
Thanks for your input into this, it's really useful being able to talk over 
this issue.

My system will be placing all the signal conditioning within the FPGA. The 
output from this is a relatively low data rate which I was hoping to stream via 
the Ethernet connected to the ARM. There should be no need for us to use the 
SFP+ interface. The ARM will not be doing any processing of the data, just 
passing it back to the host PC. I have just out of interest tried connecting 
via the SFP+ and get the same issue.

I am able to build the FPGA image with my block in, and upload this to the 
E320. My initial understanding of how a system as described above would work is 
the software on the Host PC would issue commands to the USRP to read and write 
registers in blocks as required to configure the device, for example the gain 
setting in the examples. The ARM wouldn't require any knowledge of how the 
blocks worked, it just writes and reads to the address within the blocks as 
instructed. This was what I thought Network Mode (as opposed to Embedded Mode) 
meant, it was acting more or less like the USRPs without the ARM.

As we're both seeing the same error then I'm not 100% sure that cross-compiling 
the OOT code for the E320 will resolve the problem.  My GNU radio code is 
running entirely on the host PC. I'll probably look more into the 
cross-compiling today as I'm running out of any other ideas to try.

The error I'm currently hitting is that when running the GNU radio flow graph 
with my new block I get the error
"Line 98, in __init__
AttributeErroe:module 'dilbert' has no attribute'dogbert'"

What I have found that is if I enter Python on the command line and enter 
"import dilbert" followed by "dir(dilbert)" then it appears that there's 
nothing in this module other that the things like __builtins__ , 
__cached__,__doc__ ..... . There is no dogbert class within module, and this I 
think is the source of the issue.

Like you say, we could really do with a response from Ettus to throw some light 
on this. An update to Gain Block tutorials aimed at the E3xx devices would be 
really useful.


From: USRP-users <usrp-users-boun...@lists.ettus.com> On Behalf Of Mike via 
Sent: 12 February 2021 21:37
To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] RFNoC OTT Block on E320


I looked at the capabilities of the E320 compared to the E310 and I understand 
your comment about "embedded mode" now.� My experience is strictly with the 
E310.� I didn't realize the E320 had an SFP+ interface that allows you to 
stream sample data back to the host at a much higher rate than the embedded ARM 
core can process.� So, it seems like you should be able to update the FPGA on 
the E320 and stream the data into your host machine bypassing the internal ARM 
processor.� Still, it seems that you need to install the the new RFNoC module 
onto the E320 so that it knows what each block in the FPGA is when you run 
uhd_usrp_probe (you were seeing the block named simply Block #0).

And if you can stream data directly to the host then you shouldn't be seeing 
the same error I'm having (running on the embedded ARM).� You should be able 
to run directly on the host.� If you are trying to run on the embedded ARM 
then you will have to follow the steps I outlined below for cross-compiling.

Meanwhile, I'd like to hear a response from one of the Ettus guys because I'm 
sure I'm off base in a couple areas.� Like, my RFNoC stuff is not working so 
clearly I'm doing something wrong.� But, I'm hoping just talking it out will 
reveal where the errors are.

On 2/12/21 11:46 AM, Mike via USRP-users wrote:


I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "embedded mode".� That may be a 
term used for other Ettus devices like X310 or N310.� Let me describe what I 
think the E3xx GNU Radio universe looks like.

In addition to the Ettus E310, I have a Lime Mini device that connects directly 
to the host computer via USB3.0.� Any GNU Radio program that I make (usually 
gnuradio-companion) runs directly on the host computer (my laptop with Ubuntu 
18.04LTS) and directly processes the raw samples from the radio. Ettus X310 and 
N310 type devices would transfer raw samples from the radio via 10GigE type 
interfaces for similar processing on the host computer.� Note, no local 
software processing on the USRP device.� FPGA processing, yes; but software 
processing, no.

In contrast to that, the E310 has an embedded ARM processor that executes a 
python script (usually output from GRC).� Obviously, this needs to run in 
non-gui mode which is controlled by the "Options" block in your GRC flow graph 
(set to No GUI).� Similar to the host computer running with the Lime Mini 
(for example), the ARM processor can process the raw samples from the radio.� 
However, since the ARM processor is relatively low powered it cannot process 
"raw" samples at a very high rate.� Therefore it requires the FPGA (RFNoC) to 
handle as much of the raw data processing as possible.� So, the host computer 
is used to generate the FPGA bit file (using Xilinx, Vivado) as well as any 
software modules (OOT) that need to be run on the ARM.� This is where the 
cross-compiling comes in.� The host computer has to compile the code that is 
going to eventually execute on the ARM.� After the cross-compilation is 
complete you need to move your newly compiled module over to the E3xx.� This 
is where I use sshfs so that I can "make install DESTDIR=..." into a location 
that is temporarily visible within the E3xx device.� Eventually you will copy 
this data to the flash card on your E3xx device so that your application can be 
available at any time (running totally disconnected from any host computer).

So, using the E3xx devices are a little more complex because you have to 
navigate the cross-compiling aspect and rely on the FPGA to handle the higher 
bandwidth data processing.� Thus the reason why I'm anxious to fix an issue 
with the ARM executing a GRC flow-graph that contains an OOT RFNoC module.� 
It's hard to make the E3xx do anything reasonable without the FPGA performing 
as much work as possible.

Anyway, hope that helped clear things up a little,

On 2/12/21 10:32 AM, Mark D wrote:
Thanks Mike,
I don�t have a much experience of Linux, I�ve just had to look up what 
sshfs is, so as you can imagine this is becoming a very steep learning curve 
for me.
After reading your reply and doing a bit of research I�ve found AN-315 
�Software Development on the E3xx USRP� which goes through the 
cross-compiling process. Unfortunately it looks like this was written for UHD 
3.14.1. so there may be some differences for 4.0.
I did initially think that as I wasn�t using the USRP in �embedded mode� 
then the firmware on the unit wouldn�t need to be updated, and the RFNoC 
would be more or less configured via the host computer. Seems that this isn�t 
the case.
From: USRP-users 
On Behalf Of Mike via USRP-users
Sent: 12 February 2021 13:40
To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com<mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] RFNoC OTT Block on E320


For uhd_usrp_probe to correctly read your fpga block module you need to update 
the XML file in your RFNOC-module/rfnoc/blocks directory.� Then you need to 
cross-compile your module like you would with gr-ettus and install it on the 
E320.� I use sshfs to cross-compile on the host and make it immediately 
available on my E310.

It may be that the process on UHD4 is slightly different but that is what I do 
to make the correct name of my new block show up in uhd_usrp_probe.

I still have the python "attribute error" so hopefully now that two people are 
seeing this on both UHD3.15 and UHD4.0 we can get to the bottom of it.

On 2/12/21 6:52 AM, Mark D via USRP-users wrote:
I�m trying to add an OTT block into the FPGA for an E320. I�m using version 
4.0.0 of the UHD.
So far I�ve used rfnocmodtool to create the OOT folder structure and add my 
new block. My initial plan was to add this block as per the default code 
generated that just passes data through. I wanted see that this was 
instantiated into the FPGA and the system still worked before starting to add 
my own code.
I�ve been following the �Getting Started with RFNoC in UHD 4.0� page on 
the Ettus website and also the Youtube video �RFNoC 4 Workshop - GRCon 
2020�. The .yml file I�ve created connects the OTT block between the radio 
Rx and stream endpoint (I�ve removed the DDC / DUC and already had the FPGA 
working without these).
So far I�ve got the FPGA built and uploaded to the FPGA. Uhd_usrp_probe shows 
that the RFNoC routing as expected, but the name of OTT block has been replaced 
with Block#0. The OOT project appears as a folder in GNU radio with the new 
block available to be dragged into the project.
I think the issues I�m now having are similar to those reported recently by 
Mike with the E310. Trying to run a GNU radio project results in the error � 
AttributeError: module �Dilbert� object has no attribute 'dogbert'�
The examples I�m following are all based around the X310, is there an extra 
step required for the E3xx USRPs to update the firmware running on the device 
so that it�s aware of the new block type? If so I�ve no idea how I would go 
about this.
Any help on this would be much appreciated,
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