Hello, I have tried several times to install Python3 uhd on my system but
when I attempt >>>import uhd in python3 environment I always receive
ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'uhd'

As far as I can see there are no hang ups on install and after $make, I run
$make test and get 0 out of 82 fails. Below is my enabled components after
I run

$cmake ../

I've also put a uhd.conf file in my ld.so.conf file and ran $sudo ldconfig.
Although I'm not certain I'm putting in correct path, right now it's

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, any help is greatly appreciated!

-- ######################################################
-- # UHD enabled components
-- ######################################################
--   * LibUHD
--   * LibUHD - C API
--   * LibUHD - Python API
--   * Examples
--   * Utils
--   * Tests
--   * USB
--   * B100
--   * B200
--   * USRP1
--   * USRP2
--   * X300
--   * MPMD
--   * SIM
--   * N300
--   * N320
--   * E320
--   * E300
--   * OctoClock
--   * Manual
--   * API/Doxygen
--   * Man Pages
-- ######################################################
-- # UHD disabled components
-- ######################################################
--   * DPDK
-- ******************************************************
-- * You are building the UHD development master branch.
-- * For production code, we recommend our stable,
-- * releases or using the release branch (maint).
-- ******************************************************
-- Building version:
-- Using install prefix: /usr/local
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/casey/Projects/UHD/uhd/host/build
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