When you run uhd_images_downloader, which version of UHD is shown in the
console?  I can see in the console pictures below that UHD version
3.010.003 is running (which is pretty old).  My guess is that you have
multiple copies of UHD on your system.

The way it works is the following: when you run uhd_images_downloader, the
script automatically downloads the FPGA image that is associated with that
specific version of UHD and installs it in <prefix>/share/uhd/images/.
Later, when you run any application that uses UHD and the B200mini, UHD
will transfer that image (from that same folder) over USB to the device
to load the FPGA (at least the first time you run UHD after plugging the

On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 4:54 AM Elise Breivik Smebye via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am new to UHD, USRP and FPGA.
> I am trying to use a Ettus USRP B200 mini to monitor the network traffic
> between two android phones with GNU radio with this guide
> https://github.com/bastibl/gr-ieee802-11.
> <https://github.com/bastibl/gr-ieee802-11>
> When running the example file "wifi_tx_grc" I get a FPGA compatibility
> number error.
> [image: Screenshot from 2021-02-10 09-55-57.png]GNU Radio test
> I have also tried to follow this guide https://github.com/srsLTE/srsLTE
> and get the same error. I have run "uhd_images_donwloader" and get that
> all images are up to.
> [image: Screenshot from 2021-02-10 09-29-25.png]
> Hope anyone can help.
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