>From the root directory of the radio, I did: find . -name "ld-linux*"
That command produced no results, either. 
If I am following the instructions at
should I expect to find this library under
/home/root/newinstall/usr/lib? Or should it be on the image installed
on the SD card under /lib?
I have followed the above instructions to the letter, except for one
change. After I cloned gr-ettus, I made sure to checkout the maint-3.7
branch, to match the gnuradio version. However, I don't believe this
should have any affect on the UHD cross-compile, should it?

        -----------------------------------------From: "Marcus D. Leech" 

To: dtra...@tampabay.rr.com
Cc: "usrp-users@lists.ettus.com"
Sent: Tuesday February 2 2021 1:36:52PM
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Error Testing UHD Build on E310 with

 On 02/02/2021 01:25 PM, dtra...@tampabay.rr.com wrote:
  Actually, it is not there. I did a find on the entire root file
system and that file does not exist on the E310 device. 

 So, do a find on "ld-linux*"

 Either the compile built for the wrong architecture, or your
filesystem is missing the correct dynamic linker--although if that's
 case, most things on your system wouldn't work.

        ----------------------------------------- From: "Marcus D. Leech"
 To: dtra...@tampabay.rr.com
 Cc: "usrp-users@lists.ettus.com"
 Sent: Tuesday February 2 2021 1:14:12PM
 Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Error Testing UHD Build on E310 with

On 02/02/2021 12:53 PM, dtra...@tampabay.rr.com wrote:
  Here is the output, Marcus: 
 root@ni-e31x-3199693:~/newinstall# file
/home/root/newinstall/usr/bin/uhd_usrp_probe: ELF 32-bit LSB
executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
BuildID[sha1]=5c924895fbe10218be809ba29f88d7993fb117d7, with
debug_info, not stripped 
 root@ni-e31x-3199693:~/newinstall# which uhd_usrp_probe
 Appreciate the help. 

 Hmm, see if:


 Is actually there and executable

        ----------------------------------------- From: "Marcus D. Leech via
 To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
 Sent: Monday February 1 2021 4:06:23PM
 Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Error Testing UHD Build on E310 with

On 02/01/2021 04:01 PM, Dennis Trask via USRP-users wrote:

        I am attempting to set up a development environment to write software
for the E310 by cross-compiling on Ubuntu 18.04. I am using the
instructions here: 

        I have followed all the instructions to build UHD and am now in the
section "Mount and test the UHD build". When I run uhd_usrp_probe on
the E310, I get the following ouput: 

        root@ni-e31x-3199693:~/newinstall# uhd_usrp_probe  

        -sh: /home/root/newinstall/usr/bin/uhd_usrp_probe: No such file or

           If you do:

 file /home/root/newinstall/usr/bin/uhd_usrp_probe

 What do you get?

 If you do:

 which uhd_usrp_probe

 What do you get?

        I'm not sure where to look for the source of this issue. Has anyone
else seen this or have an idea of what to look for? 



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