Hi Jeff,

thanks for clarifying!

Yes, that should work. Also, your GR version definitely has support for SOB/EOB.

Generally, I'd expect this to work; only misconception I see is that the Sink 
start sending when it sees the EOB; it starts sending at SOB, and stops 
expecting and
sending samples to the USRP at EOB.

Could you try replacing your very "spikey" signal with something like a sine, 
so to see
whether we might be seeing turn of/off behaviour?

Best regards,

On 21.01.21 16:34, Jeff S wrote:
> Thanks, Marcus.
> Of course, I forgot the important version information.  I'm currently using 
> v3.7.13.5.  We
> are also doing some RFNoC work, which we had some issues upgrading a while 
> back, so we
> were holding off until it matured more.  I'll ask our team if they want to 
> try and upgrade
> to 3.8 again.
> I'm sure my description wasn't clear, so I'll try and clarify a little better 
> based on
> your feedback.
> I created the Random Source, and it is sending approximately 10,000 samples 
> to the UHD
> USRP Sink as one message, with a tx_sob at the start and a tx_eob at the end. 
>  My thought
> was that the sink would not transmit anything until the EOB was received.  
> The way
> GNURadio seems to be running, I'm getting [noutput_items == 4096], so it 
> takes three calls
> to the work function to deliver all 10K samples of one message to the Sink.  
> I only want
> one burst from the sink of those 10K samples.  What I am receiving seems to 
> be three
> transmissions that make up the one sample.  The length of the three 
> transmissions seem to
> correspond to the value of noutput_items I was seeing.
> The mention of 100 ms between bursts was only indicating how fast the 
> modulator was being
> requested to transmit a single message.  So if I only requested one message, 
> there would
> have been one group of three signals seen in the Rx signal.
> Hope that clarified what I was trying to convey a little better.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 21, 2021 9:06 AM
> *To:* Jeff S <e070...@hotmail.com>; usrp-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal
> Hi Jeff,
> which version of GNU Radio are you using? Judging by the looks of your flow 
> graph it's the
> (now legacy) 3.7, but *if* I remember correctly (it's really been a while), 
> the SOB/EOB
> functionality appeared *somewhen* in 3.7.x; it might be worth trying your 
> exact same
> application in GNU Radio 3.8 (or 3.9).
> Conceptually, it's important to note that after tx_sob you need to supply the 
> full burst
> of samples: I think you're doing that, but then again, you say you get three 
> data bursts
> 100 ms apart, so I'm not sure about that, to be honest. The USRP sink can't 
> guess that you
> want three bursts of samples to be sent as one; it starts streaming as fast 
> as you supply
> it data after the SOB, and will tell you you're late or too slow at supplying 
> data (tG/U
> printed to your console) if you don't give it 10 million samples a second, 
> until it gets
> an SOB.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 21.01.21 15:53, Jeff S via USRP-users wrote:
>> I am attempting to use burst mode on an X310.  I'm generating a random 
>> signal from one
>> X310 and receiving it on another.  My simple flowgraph is:
>> I can see the tx_sob and tx_eob tags, set to true, from the time sink:
>> where I verify that I can see the EOB, followed by a new SOB in the next 
>> message (both set
>> to true, according to
>> https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1uhd_1_1usrp__sink.html
> <https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1uhd_1_1usrp__sink.html>
>> <https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1uhd_1_1usrp__sink.html
> <https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1uhd_1_1usrp__sink.html>>).  
> But when I am
>> receiving the signal, the message seems to be broken up into three different 
>> transmissions
>> instead of one burst:
>> I'm transmitting a message every 100 ms, which seems to correspond to the 
>> start of the
>> three messages.
>> Analyzing the modulator in a debugger indicates that there are three times 
>> that the work
>> function is called to build the message, which may correspond to the three 
>> messages seen
>> in the signal, but I'm not sure why the tx_sob and tx_eob tags are not being 
>> followed. 
>> Maybe I may just have a major misunderstanding of how burst mode works.
>> Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
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