R&D did some testing and indeed at least in UHD 4.0 the spectrum is inverted. 

Hopefully a fix will be available soon now that it is confirmed. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 3, 2020, at 3:27 PM, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/03/2020 02:54 PM, Jason Roehm via USRP-users wrote:
>>> On 10/14/20 2:41 PM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users wrote:
>>> On 10/14/2020 01:28 PM, Jason Roehm via USRP-users wrote:
>>>> I have an N320 that I'm trying out for the first time. I'm using UHD 
>>>> 4.0.0, and I loaded the corresponding root filesystem data for that 
>>>> release to the N320. I find that when the receiver is tuned to frequencies 
>>>> below 450 MHz, the spectrum is inverted. When you tune to 450 MHz or 
>>>> above, the spectrum is upright as expected. See the attached screenshots 
>>>> for example spectral plots.
>>>> There are several ATSC signals visible in the spectrum. I simply used an 
>>>> indoor antenna, so there is a lot of multipath on the signals causing 
>>>> their spectra to be very non-flat, but the telltale sign of spectral 
>>>> inversion here is where the pilot tone is appearing on each one. In the 
>>>> first plot, tuned to 440 MHz, they appear on the right of each signal; 
>>>> this is not where they should be. When you tune to 450 MHz, the location 
>>>> of the signals flip to the right half of the plot, and the pilot tone is 
>>>> on the left, where they belong.
>>>> Is this a known issue?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Jason
>>> I'm discussing this with R&D right now.  It's *conceivable*, because 
>>> there's an extra mixer stage in the below-450-mhz pathway, and that
>>>  mixer stage uses "high side" LO injection, which would produce an inverted 
>>> spectrum, but the FPGA would "know" this and invert it back...
>> Marcus,
>> Did you ever get any resolution on this issue?
>> Jason
> I've raised the issue with R&D, but not heard back.  I'm hampered by not 
> having an N320 in my own lab to test this.
> Presumably, the issue you see is version independent?

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