
I m studying:


How exactly is "Gain" in the "RX Figures" defined? Can it be related to the 
digital samples (e.g. in dBFS or RMS)?

If, for example, I apply a exactly Pin=-20dBm, f=916MHz CW (calibrated via VNA) 
at the SMA input, I get -14.05dBFS (=rms value of IQ samples in 20*log10) when 
I calculate the RMS values of the samples.

(Note: set_rx_gain(0) and I use 516MHz as center frequency to avoid DC 

Also, the statement on the gain values is not quite clear: "Gain range for both 
RX and TX is 0-31.5 (the maximum RX gain seen in the tests of 37.5dB is due to 
the additional 6dB provided by the ADC in the USRP motherboard on top of the 
UBX's maximum gain".

How does this relate to the value which is set with set_rx_gain()?
Does that mean that a "Gain" value of 10 dB on the plot corresponds to 
set_rx_gain(4) ?

What confuses me is that I *can* call set_rx_gain() with values of 0...37.5, 
and the output scales accordingly (i.e., the lowest value seems to be 0 and the 
highest 37.5; not 31.5).

Would be great if someone could confirm.


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