Thanks Sam, that did the trick. For anyone with the same problem, to solve
my issue I used a batch script to set the UHD environments to point to my
uhd build whenever I needed UHD instead of NI-USRP. With that, I can run
both UHD apps and labview runtime apps.


On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 4:46 AM Sam Reiter <> wrote:

> Kelvin,
> If I remember correctly, NI-USRP overwrites a handful of environment
> variables in Windows to point to RFNoC image paths for NI-USRP. However, I
> can't imagine why the B210 image would be any different between UHD and
> NI-USRP. You might try changing these paths to point back at the images
> from your installation of UHD.
> Alternative solution would be to just uninstall NI-USRP and reinstall UHD
> :)
> -Sam
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 8:18 PM Kelvin Lok via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> I am running on the latest release of UHD ( from github. Using
>> Windows 10, installed with the UHD binary installer.
>> Typically, running ./uhd_usrp_probe takes only a few moments for the
>> firmware to be loaded onto the USRP. However, recently I have installed
>> labview runtime and NI-USRP and after that, I am no longer able to use UHD
>> to communicate to the USRP. Running uhd_usrp_probe or any of the uhd_xx_xx
>> commands will result in an endless wait for 'Loading firmware image'.
>> I suspect that installing NI-USRP has resulted in a clash with my UHD.
>> Anyone have any suggestions?
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