Dear Kyeong and Marcus,

Thank you very much for your answers which help me to see better the
challenges. I intend to start with Wi-Fi signals. We have a lot of Wi-Fi
networks around us and I want to show the occupation/availability of Wi-Fi
channels. I also intend to use gnu-radio.

With best regards,
Trang Nguyen

Le mar. 20 oct. 2020 à 07:37, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <> a écrit :

> On 10/20/2020 01:05 AM, Kyeong Su Shin via USRP-users wrote:
> Hello Trang:
> It depends on your applications. USRPs CAN be used to scan and map the
> wireless spectrum, but you will have to determine whether the spectrum is
> empty or not, and it is not a trivial question. For an example, signals
> from satellites and spacecrafts are often below the thermal noise, so you
> will need to use special dish antennas and/or correlate the signals with
> known sequences in order to detect them. Also, USRP B200/B210 are not
> high-end spectrum analyzers, so they may show you some spurious signals
> (possible false positives).
> So, yes, it is possible, but I don't know whether they are suitable for
> your use cases.
> Regards,
> Kyeong Su Shin
> ------------------------------
> Some further wisdom.  SDRs are *components* in an overall engineered RF
> *system and application*.  They aren't "born" knowing your
>   particular application.
> You'll need some non-trivial knowledge of software development
> methodologies, DSP knowledge, and knowledge of radio and electronics
>   to develop an application that suits your needs.
> Now, there are lots of applications for SDRs in general out there.  I'd
> suggest you query the discuss-gnuradio mailing list as well.
> But don't be surprised to find that an application that fits precisely
> what you want to do doesn't exist.
> Consider two things:
> The set that could be described as "useful things you might want to do
> with radio technology"
> The set that could be described as "useful things you might want to do
> with a computer"
> Both of those sets are staggeringly large.  So even an intersection will
> also be staggeringly large.  So it should not perhaps be surprising that
>   not everything that could possibly be done with this technology has
> already been invented, and conveniently packaged.
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