Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is keeping well through these unusual times. I am writing
to request assistance on an issue I am facing while running Ettus N200
device. The  device is installed to receive high frequency radio waves and
it is connected to an internet port by an Ethernet cable  as is the
computer (Ubuntu). I can ping the device from the terminal of the computer.
But, whenever I invoke the USRP N200 using any command, it doesn't work as
shown below :

uhd_find_devices --args="addr=xx.xx.xxx.xx"
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501;
No UHD Devices Found

But, if  I pass the command soon after the first invocation, it works as
shown below:

uhd_find_devices --args="addr=xx.xx.xxx.xx"
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501;
-- UHD Device 0
Device Address:
    serial: 31D09D8
    addr: xx.xx.xxx.xx
    type: usrp2

And, subsequent invocations in the near future work.  And, it applies for
any other command I have used to invoke the
USRP device. I would greatly appreciate suggestions from experienced users
in this list.  And, one more issue, the above command used to work without
passing the "addr" argument. But recently, it doesn't respond if I don't
pass that argument.

I would greatly appreciate suggestions on these two points.



Dev Joshi, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Physics and Engineering
The University of Scranton
C: 617 775 9712
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