So, the corruption does not occur anymore (to my knowledge) because I fixed
the bug in my software that would allow replay_play() to get called in some
situations prior to replay_store().  But, I'm a bit concerned that perhaps
my code could have a bug in another place that could allow this to happen.
That is why I was hoping to be able to guarantee a reset situation upon UHD
"make" or with a specific "reset" function to the replay block. This bug
was particularly bad because there was no indication of anything wrong
(e.g., Under/Overruns, Lates, other errors) and we didn't find out about it
until we started analyzing data that we had collected over several hours
last Friday.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 12:35 PM Wade Fife <> wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> All the blocks should get reset when you create the RFNoC graph. But the
> DRAM controller and related AXI4 interconnect are outside of RFNoC, so it
> doesn't get reset when the blocks are reset. It's possible that the DRAM
> logic is in a bad state as well. It doesn't look like there's a way
> currently to reset the DRAM logic on demand.
> Does the corruption still occur after fixing the bug you mentioned?
> Wade
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 6:10 PM Rob Kossler via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the Replay block and I ran into an issue where I have gotten
>> the Replay block into a bad state which I can't seem to fix short of
>> rebooting the N310.  The way I know it is in a bad state is that the data
>> playing out is corrupted.  Although the playout is similar to what it
>> should be, there are numerous gaps & drops that indicate the corruption.
>> If I reboot the N310, the corruption disappears.  I would like to be able
>> to "reset" things without requiring an N310 reboot.
>> My custom software controls the Replay block with 3 functions:
>> replay_store() and replay_play() and replay_stop(), all provided below.  I
>> don't do anything tricky like trying to store and play simultaneously.  The
>> replay_store() function is very similar to the
>> rfnoc_replay_samples_from_file() example with the exception that it doesn't
>> actually start or stop the playout. This occurs in my other 2 functions.
>> The way that I get the replay block into a bad state is by failing to
>> call replay_store() prior to replay_play().  This was a bug in my software
>> that could occur in some situations (which I have since fixed). After this
>> happens, I can't produce uncorrupted playouts without rebooting the N310.
>> Let me know if you have any ideas how I can "reset" the Replay block to
>> obtain uncorrupted output.
>> Rob
>> /*******************************************************/
>> int nd::replay_store(
>> uhd::rfnoc::replay_block_control::sptr replay_ptr,
>> size_t port,
>>     uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream,
>> std::vector<char>& samp_vec,
>> uint32_t addr
>> ){
>> const std::string ID = replay_ptr->get_block_id().to_string() + ":" +
>> std::to_string(port);
>> // Constants related to the Replay block
>> const size_t bytes_per_sample = 4; // Complex signed 16-bit is 32 bits
>> per sample
>> const size_t samples_per_word = 2; // Number of sc16 samples per 64-bit
>> word
>> const size_t bytes_per_word = bytes_per_sample*samples_per_word;
>> size_t num_bytes = samp_vec.size();
>> // Calculate the number of 64-bit words and samples to replay
>> size_t words_to_replay = num_bytes / bytes_per_word;
>> size_t samples_to_replay = words_to_replay * samples_per_word;
>> uint32_t bytes_to_replay = words_to_replay * bytes_per_word;
>> if (bytes_to_replay != num_bytes) {
>> << "Replay block requires an even number of samples. Truncating extra
>> bytes";
>> }
>> // Configure a buffer in the on-board memory at address 0 that's equal in
>> // size to the file we want to play back (rounded down to a multiple of
>> // 64-bit words). Note that it is allowed to playback a different size or
>> // location from what was recorded.
>>     ": Configuring memory at addr 0x" << std::hex << addr << std::dec <<
>> " for " << bytes_to_replay << " bytes";
>> replay_ptr->stop(port); // just in case it is presently playing
>> replay_ptr->record(addr, bytes_to_replay, port);
>> // Restart record buffer repeatedly until no new data appears on the
>> Replay
>> // block's input. This will flush any data that was buffered on the input.
>> UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Restarting record
>> buffer";
>> auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
>> while (true)
>>     {
>> replay_ptr->record_restart(port);
>> std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(20));
>> uint32_t fullness = replay_ptr->get_record_fullness(port);
>> if (fullness==0) break;
>> std::chrono::duration<double> time_diff_s =
>> std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time;
>> << ": Time: " << time_diff_s.count() << ": Fullness " << fullness;
>> if (time_diff_s.count() > 2.0) {
>> UHD_LOGGER_ERROR(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Timeout waiting to flush
>> record buffer";
>> return -1;
>> }
>> }
>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> // Send data to replay (record the data)
>> UHD_LOGGER_INFO(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Sending " <<
>> samples_to_replay << " samples";
>> uhd::tx_metadata_t tx_md;
>> tx_md.start_of_burst = true;
>> tx_md.end_of_burst   = true;
>> size_t num_tx_samps  = tx_stream->send(&samp_vec[0], samples_to_replay,
>> tx_md);
>> if (num_tx_samps != samples_to_replay) {
>> UHD_LOGGER_ERROR(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Error sending samples: "
>> << num_tx_samps << "/" << samples_to_replay;
>> return -1;
>> }
>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> // Wait for data to be stored in on-board memory
>> UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Waiting for recording to
>> complete";
>> start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
>> while (true)
>> {
>> uint32_t fullness = replay_ptr->get_record_fullness(port);
>> if (fullness>=bytes_to_replay) break;
>> std::chrono::duration<double> time_diff_s =
>> std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time;
>> UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Time: (s): " <<
>> time_diff_s.count()
>> << ": Fullness: " << fullness << " / " << bytes_to_replay;
>> if (time_diff_s.count() > 2.0) {
>> UHD_LOGGER_ERROR(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Timeout waiting for
>> recording to complete";
>> return -1;
>> }
>> std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
>> }
>> UHD_LOGGER_INFO(__CLASS_AND_FUNC__) << ID << ": Successfully sent " <<
>> samples_to_replay << " samples";
>> return samples_to_replay;
>> }
>> /*******************************************************/
>> /*******************************************************/
>> void nd::replay_play(
>> uhd::rfnoc::replay_block_control::sptr replay_ptr,
>> size_t port,
>> const uhd::time_spec_t start_time
>> ){
>> const std::string ID = replay_ptr->get_block_id().to_string() + ":" +
>> std::to_string(port);
>> uint64_t rec_addr = replay_ptr->get_record_offset(port);
>> uint64_t rec_size = replay_ptr->get_record_size(port);
>> UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG(ID) << "Replay Started. Samples: " << (rec_size/4);
>> replay_ptr->play(rec_addr, rec_size, port, start_time, true);
>> }
>> /*******************************************************/
>> /*******************************************************/
>> void nd::replay_stop(
>> uhd::rfnoc::replay_block_control::sptr replay_ptr,
>> size_t port
>> ){
>> const std::string ID = replay_ptr->get_block_id().to_string() + ":" +
>> std::to_string(port);
>> UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG(ID) << "Replay Stopped";
>> replay_ptr->stop(port);
>> }
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