Thanks Marcus,

I have had a look at the GPIO example source. It contains some useful code, but 
I have not compiled and run it.
Other example code in “Synchronising USRP Events using Timed Commands (17 April 
2020)” has been used in the OOT block.

1) I have configured my B210(NI) EEPROM with the correct USB vid = 0x2500 and 
pid = 0x0814.
The device is clearly identifiable and usable over USB3.

2). I have tried to identify the USRP using the following code prior to making 
an object:-
uhd:: device_addr_t hint;
hint[“serial”] = “3150322”;
uhd:: device_addrs_t dev_addrs = uhd:: device::find(hint);

3). Or the following to create the object directly:-
uhd::usrp::multi_usrp:: sptr device = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(“vid=0x2500, 

The codes are placed in the OOT constructor, compile and link with the 
appropriate headers.
In both cases the flow-graph fails to run with the usual ‘block’ attribute 
error message. There are no USRP source or sink blocks in the flow-graph that 
could possibly conflict.


From: Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users 
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] B210 USRP object creation

On 10/07/2020 10:08 AM, David Taylor ( via USRP-users wrote:

  I am trying to exercise the GPIO bits on my B210 and to run other UHD member 
functions in a C++ OOT block.
  Can anyone provide me with a suitable make (object) statement for use with 
this transceiver.
  Many thanks,
  David Taylor

You might look at the "gpio" example code that comes with the UHD source.

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