No. I did not change anything in the default image.  It is true that the
default image is routed such that the Replay block uses dynamic routing
through a streaming endpoint to stream data to the DUC.  Each Replay block
port connects to an individual endpoint such that there is not a bandwidth
limitation for the Replay block as a whole.

But, I think there is no reason why you couldn't link the Replay block
statically as you suggested below if you build a new image (I don't think
there is any issue with clock domain crossings). The downside of this
routing is that you cannot "bypass" the Replay block in case you wanted to
do so.

Also, it is pretty flexible to have the Replay block dynamically routed as
it is in the default image.  For example, in addition to using it as arb
memory for signal transmission (which is my primary use case), I can also
see a use case for using it instead in the receive chain to record a burst
of incoming receive data. Thus, even if your host did not have a fast link
(perhaps only 1GbE), you could record a receive snapshot to the replay
block memory at high rate (until filled) and then download the samples over
the slow connection to the host PC.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:55 AM Emil Bjelski <> wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> Thank you once again for answering my question!
> I have one more question?
> Did you change anything in the default FPGA image, in order to be able to
> sustain a maximum 125 MS/s for 4 channels on N310, or 200 MS/s for 2
> channels on  X310?
> By looking into x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml and the same is for
> n310_rfnoc_image_core.yml, I can notice that replay is connected over the
> crossbar to DUC.
> The Connection would look something like
> PCIe -> CrossBarSwitch ->* Replay -> CrossBarSwitch *-> DUC -> Radio.
> I can imagine that it would be more efficient to connect Replay directly
> to the DUC.
> PCIe -> CrossBarSwitch ->* Replay -> DUC -*> Radio.
> However, I am not sure, would  that work with the new design due to the
> clock domain crossings?
> Kind Regards,
> EMil
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 3:40 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:
>> Hi Emil,
>> With UHD 4.0, this works.  And, the latest FPGA images from Ettus include
>> the Replay block on the X310 (in the past, this was just for the N310) so
>> you don't even have to build your own image. And, the latest FPGA images
>> provide access to the full 1GB ram such that you could store arb waveforms
>> for 2 channels with memory depth of 125M samps for each channel.
>> I verified that I could play 4 channels at 125 MS/s from the UHD 4.0
>> Replay block on the N310. I believe that I also verified 2 channels at 200
>> MS/s on the X310, but I don't remember for certain.
>> Rob
>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 7:00 AM Emil Bjelski via USRP-users <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am investigating the option to stream samples from RFNOC_REPLAY block
>>> to two UBX-160 MHz cards with full speed (i.e. 200 Msps for each board).
>>> I would also like to support timing control for both of these two
>>> transmissions.
>>> I am planning to use new RFNOC architecture and UHD 4.0.
>>> However, before diving deeper I would like to hear from you if this is
>>> possible to be done in straightforward manner with the newest RFNOC
>>> developments.
>>> I see from the previous posts
>>> (
>>> ).
>>> That with older RFNOC design and UHD streaming from RFNOC was
>>> limited to a single UBX radio.
>>> Meaning that an FPGA image with 2 Replay blocks was needed in order to
>>> stream samples to two UBXs radios.
>>> What would be the easiest way to proceed with new UHD 4.0?
>>> Thanks in advance on the answers,
>>> Emil
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