Dear All, I followed the build instruction for generation 3 on the website. All requirement and dependencies are fulfilled as well as Xilinx Vivado 2019.1. I would like to save the project in Vivado for future customization, therefore I ran "*make X310_HG GUI=1*". The makefile launch Vivado successfully, after configuration is done when I save the project using *save as *option in the Vivado. as I press generate bitstream in the Vivado, It automatically starts from synthesis phase, and it gives me the following errors in the synthesis phase: My UHD version is currently 3.14 LTS, I tried the FPGA source from different branches (e.g uhd3.14 LTS and uhd3.15 LTS) always results in the same errors.
*[Synth 8-1766] cannot open include file ../../lib/io_port2/LvFpga_Chinch_Interface.vh ["/home/scoe-adm/Downloads/uhd-master/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/build-X310_HG/X310.srcs/sources_1/imports/usrp3/top/x300/x300.v":18]* *[Synth 8-2715] syntax error near ; ["/home/scoe-adm/Downloads/uhd-master/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/build-X310_HG/X310.srcs/sources_1/imports/usrp3/top/x300/x300.v":656]* *[Synth 8-1031] DMA_STREAM_WIDTH is not declared ["/home/scoe-adm/Downloads/uhd-master/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/build-X310_HG/X310.srcs/sources_1/imports/usrp3/top/x300/x300.v":664]* *[Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details* I'm absolutely blocked, any help is highly appreciated. Kind Regards, ----------------------------------------- Dipl.-Ing. Arash Jafari Phone: +43 650 844 3617 E-mail:
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