Hi Rob,

Thanks very much for the response. I checked and by default, in the 
rfnocmodtool generated verilog for my block, s_out_payload_tkeep is tied to 
'1'.  Also, the autogenerated testbench runs just fine (all tests pass). I 
poked around at rfnoc_rx_to_file a while ago but didn't spend much time with 
it. I'll follow your suggestion and work with that some more.

Also, the second flowgraph case I described in my original email works just 
fine now. This is the case where my flowgraph looks like:
Constant_Source -> RFNoC_TX_Streamer -> RFNoC_Block -> RFNoC_RX_Streamer -> 

Once I set the constant source to values between 0 and 1, I had no problems (it 
was a mistake on my part initially setting the values greater than 1). I also 
replaced the Constant_Source with a Signal_Source (cosine) and everything works 
just fine -- no errors and the plot looks good. So, this works, but the setup 
with RFNoC_RX_Radio as the source  (followed by a DDC before my block) still 
does not work -- I get the CHDR errors with tready stuck low.

Here is a copy of my Block_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml. Even though the file name 
has x310 in it, I'm building for the e320 (and it is building for the e320). I 
wanted to change as little of what rfnocmodtool automatically generated as 

### Start of Block_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml

# General parameters
# -----------------------------------------
schema: rfnoc_imagebuilder_args         # Identifier for the schema used to 
validate this file
copyright: ''                           # Copyright information used in file 
license: 'SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later' # License information 
used in file headers
version: 1.0                            # File version
rfnoc_version: 1.0                      # RFNoC protocol version
chdr_width: 64                          # Bit width of the CHDR bus for this 
device: 'e320'
default_target: 'E320_XG'

# A list of all stream endpoints in design
# ----------------------------------------
  ep0:                       # Stream endpoint name
    ctrl: True                      # Endpoint passes control traffic
    data: True                      # Endpoint passes data traffic
    buff_size: 32768                # Ingress buffer size for data
  ep1:                       # Stream endpoint name
    ctrl: False                     # Endpoint passes control traffic
    data: True                      # Endpoint passes data traffic
    buff_size: 32768                # Ingress buffer size for data
  ep2:                       # Stream endpoint name
    ctrl: False                     # Endpoint passes control traffic
    data: True                      # Endpoint passes data traffic
    buff_size: 8192                 # Ingress buffer size for data
  ep3:                       # Stream endpoint name
    ctrl: False                     # Endpoint passes control traffic
    data: True                      # Endpoint passes data traffic
    buff_size: 8192                 # Ingress buffer size for data
  ep4:                       # Stream endpoint name
    ctrl: False                     # Endpoint passes control traffic
    data: True                      # Endpoint passes data traffic
    buff_size: 32768                # Ingress buffer size for data

# A list of all NoC blocks in design
# ----------------------------------
  duc0:                      # NoC block name
    block_desc: 'duc.yml'    # Block device descriptor file
      NUM_PORTS: 2
    block_desc: 'ddc.yml'
      NUM_PORTS: 2
    block_desc: 'radio_2x64.yml'
    block_desc: 'axi_ram_fifo_2x64.yml'
      # These parameters correspond to the memory interface on the E320
      MEM_ADDR_W:   31
      MEM_DATA_W:   64
      MEM_CLK_RATE: "300e6"
      # Create two non-overlapping 32 MB buffers by default
      FIFO_ADDR_BASE: "{31'h02000000, 31'h00000000}"
      FIFO_ADDR_MASK: "{31'h01FFFFFF, 31'h01FFFFFF}"
    block_desc: 'Block.yml'

# A list of all static connections in design
# ------------------------------------------
# Format: A list of connection maps (list of key-value pairs) with the 
following keys
#         - srcblk  = Source block to connect
#         - srcport = Port on the source block to connect
#         - dstblk  = Destination block to connect
#         - dstport = Port on the destination block to connect
  # ep0 to radio0(0) - RF0 TX
  - { srcblk: ep0,    srcport: out0,  dstblk: duc0,   dstport: in_0 }
  - { srcblk: duc0,   srcport: out_0, dstblk: radio0, dstport: in_0 }
  # radio0(0) to ep0 - RF0 RX
  - { srcblk: radio0, srcport: out_0, dstblk: ddc0,   dstport: in_0 }
  - { srcblk: ddc0,   srcport: out_0, dstblk: ep0,    dstport: in0  }
  # ep1 to radio0(1) - RF1 TX
  - { srcblk: ep1,    srcport: out0,  dstblk: duc0,   dstport: in_1 }
  - { srcblk: duc0,   srcport: out_1, dstblk: radio0, dstport: in_1 }
  # radio0(1) to ep1 - RF1 RX
  - { srcblk: radio0, srcport: out_1, dstblk: ddc0,   dstport: in_1 }
  - { srcblk: ddc0,   srcport: out_1, dstblk: ep1,    dstport: in0  }
  # ep2 to fifo0(0)
  - { srcblk: ep2,    srcport: out0,  dstblk: fifo0,  dstport: in_0 }
  - { srcblk: fifo0,  srcport: out_0, dstblk: ep2,    dstport: in0  }
  # ep3 to fifo0(1)
  - { srcblk: ep3,    srcport: out0,  dstblk: fifo0,  dstport: in_1 }
  - { srcblk: fifo0,  srcport: out_1, dstblk: ep3,    dstport: in0  }
  # Cust blk cnct ep4 to gain0 and gain0 to ep4
  - { srcblk: ep4, srcport: out0, dstblk: Block0, dstport: in }
  - { srcblk: Block0, srcport: out, dstblk: ep4, dstport: in0 }
  # BSP Connections
  - { srcblk: radio0, srcport: ctrl_port, dstblk: _device_, dstport: ctrl_port }
  - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: x300_radio, dstblk: radio0, dstport: 
x300_radio }
  - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: time_keeper, dstblk: radio0, dstport: 
time_keeper }
  - { srcblk: fifo0,    srcport: axi_ram,     dstblk: _device_, dstport: dram   

# A list of all clock domain connections in design
# ------------------------------------------
# Format: A list of connection maps (list of key-value pairs) with the 
following keys
#         - srcblk  = Source block to connect (Always "_device"_)
#         - srcport = Clock domain on the source block to connect
#         - dstblk  = Destination block to connect
#         - dstport = Clock domain on the destination block to connect
    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: radio, dstblk: radio0, dstport: radio }
    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: rfnoc_chdr,    dstblk: ddc0,   dstport: ce   
    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: rfnoc_chdr,    dstblk: duc0,   dstport: ce   
    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: dram,  dstblk: fifo0,  dstport: mem   }
    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: rfnoc_chdr,    dstblk: Block0,  dstport: ce }

### End of Block_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml

Thanks again for any help.
From: Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu>
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 10:19 AM
To: Jim Palladino <j...@gardettoengineering.com>
Cc: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Trouble getting custom RFNoC block to work with 
gnuradio 3.8 / uhd 4.0

Hi Jim,
I have also been playing around with UHD-4.0, but mostly in testbenches. I've 
only built one image (for the N310) with one of my custom blocks. The errors 
you mentioned seem very strange. A few questions/comments:
- can you send your "XXX_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml" contents?
- would it be helpful to run directly with UHD examples (removing gnuradio and 
gr-ettus from the equation)?  You could try "rfnoc_rx_to_file" as-is where you 
specify on the command line the desired "block-id" to insert between the Radio 
and the rx_streamer.  With the X310, the Radio rate might be too high with your 
custom "thru" block so perhaps you could modify the example (in-tree would be 
easiest) to automatically include the DDC and then insert the command line 
"block-id" optionally after the DDC.
- In my testbenches, I have occasionally seend CHDR error messages like you 
mentioned and it seemed to solve them if I set "s_out_payload_tkeep=1". I 
didn't think this was needed if there was only 1 output port, but I seem to 
recall that this fixed my CHDR error issue for my 1  port block.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 10:39 AM Jim Palladino via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com<mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:

Several weeks ago I went through the tutorial for producing the example "gain" 
block using rfnoc 3.8 and uhd 3.15. There were some bumps, but I did get that 
working fine. For the past couple weeks, I've been working with UHD 4.0 and the 
latest gr-ettus repo.

I posted a question a week or two ago since I couldn't get UHD to recognize my 
custom block, as UHD doesn't look for the block yml file in the latest uhd 4.0 
build. It just shows up as "0/Block#0" when probing. Thanks to Wade F. for the 
quick response to that question and for suggesting I either just continue OOT 
and use the "Block" name to interface with it or build in-tree for now. I chose 
to stick with OOT and just use the "Block" naming.

I started with the gain example, but ended up simplifying it to literally just 
using what was generated by rfnocmodtool (just a pass through block in the 
FPGA) with no modifications. I made an rfnoc block, called "Block". I built 
this for an E320, so I did have to modify the "XXX_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml" 
file accordingly.

I built/installed everything, but this is what is happening. When I create a 
gnuradio-companion "waveform", it does run, but I get the following behavior:

1) If my setup is RFNoC_RX_Radio -> RFNoC_DDC_Block -> RFNoC_Block -> 
RFNoC_RX_Streamer -> QT_GUI_Freq_Sink:

Everything runs, but the following repeats over and over and the output plot 
doesn't change:
gr::log :WARN: rfnoc_rx_streamer0 - RFNoC Streamer block received error 
[ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive transport caught a value exception.
ValueError: Bad CHDR header or invalid packet length.
gr::log :WARN: rfnoc_rx_streamer0 - RFNoC Streamer block received error 
[ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive transport caught a value exception.
ValueError: Bad CHDR header or invalid packet length.

I put in some ILA probes and it seems that "ep4_to_xb_tready" is stuck low. ep4 
is the endpoint tied to the in and out of my custom "Block." I'm guessing it 
didn't start low but a FIFO or something filled up somewhere.

I should mention that if I use this same setup, but remove my custom 
RFNoC_Block and directly connect the DDC to the RX_Streamer, everything works 
fine. No errors, the spectrum looks fine, etc.

2) If my setup is Constant_Source(set to 4+9j) -> RFNoC_TX_Streamer -> 
RFNoC_Block -> RFNoC_RX_Streamer -> QT_GUI_Time_Sink:

Everything runs and I do not have a problem with any gnuradio warnings. Also, 
TReady is high the entire time. But, the output plot for I and Q sit mostly 
constant stuck at "1", with non-periodic blips down to "0". I'm not seeing the 
complex constant I set in gnuradio. If I look at the payload_tdata in an ILA 
for my "Block" when tvalid is high and tready is high, I see that the data is 
sitting at 0x7fff7fff except when TLAST is high, tdata switches to 0xfffc7ff7.

I'm at a bit of a loss trying to figure out what is happening. Could it be that 
UHD is not interfacing properly to my block (given that UHD doesn't look for my 
OOT yml file)? I did not change any block controller code or anything else. Oh, 
and the user_register that is included as part of the default design designated 
by rfnocmodtool seems to work fine. I can change the register value in gnuradio 
and I can see it change appropriately via and ILA.

For reference, this is what I've been working with:
1) UHD (v4.0.0.0 tag)
2) gnuradio ( tag)
3) gr-ettus (maint-3.8-uhd4.0 branch)

RFNoC is new to me, so any thoughts on what could be wrong or how I could go 
about debugging this would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully, I'm just missing 
something simple.


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