Hi Marcus,

> Von: "Marcus D. Leech" <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
> [...]
> > My question is if my approach/understanding is right.
> >
> > In particular I do not understand Question 4 (why does noise not reduce if 
> > I reduce bandwidth).
> If you're varying *analog* bandwidth, rather than sampling rate, be
> aware that UBX doesn't have variable analog bandwidth.  It's always fixed.

I see.
Great point.

I just found: 

And it seems set_tx_bandwidth() and set_rx_bandwidth() do nothing then on the 

I wrote before my noise level should be -174+NF+10*log10(5e6).

But based on this, it should be more correctly -174+NF+10*log10(160e6) ... is 
that correct? (I just receive the raw samples from the USRP via USRP Source. 
There is no other digital filter?)

> > Furthermore, I'd be interested if Question 5 is conceptually correct.
> Conceptually, I don't see any problem with it, but it very-squarely
> enters  "consider a spherical cow" territory.  You CANNOT use a purely
>    arithmetic analysis, due to uncertainties.   I would, in fact,
> encourage you to acquire a decent broad-band, calibrated, noise source for
>    you lab so that you can do Y-factor analysis, if for no other reason
> than to satisfy yourself that the noise equations work.

The issue with the bandwidth calculation above would be one of them ;-)

> I've used these on a budget-sensitive project just last year:
> https://g8fek.com/precision-noise-sources.html

Thanks for the pointer. I think I'll get one of these.

For a proper use I would need a steep filter though, correct? (in order to have 
a well defined total input power Pin=-174+ENR+10*log10(FilterCuroff) dBm? )


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