Hello, I am modifying the FPGA code (from version 7.0) for the B205mini.
I would like to control the GPIO pins from the FPGA code. Control via the example GPIO host executable works fine. I have tried hijacking the function in "radio_legacy.v" which I think is controlling them. generate if (FP_GPIO != 0) begin: add_fp_gpio gpio_atr #(.BASE(SR_FP_GPIO), .WIDTH(10), .FAB_CTRL_EN(0) ) fp_gpio_atr (.clk(radio_clk),.reset(radio_rst), .set_stb(set_stb),.set_addr(set_addr),.set_data(set_data), .rx(run_rx), .tx(run_tx), .gpio_in(fp_gpio_in), .gpio_out(fp_gpio_out), .gpio_ddr(fp_gpio_ddr), .gpio_out_fab(10'h000 /* no fabric control */), .gpio_sw_rb(fp_gpio_readback)); end endgenerate In particular replacing the fp_gpio_out with my own register. But so far all that does is cause the host GPIO program to no longer be able to control the pins (as expected), but the FPGA values are not coming out either. I would appreciate any examples, hints, tips/tricks to get this to work. Thanks, Ken Clark
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