

Some feedback: I’ve been reading the UHD code and now have the X310 running 
well albeit at 20Msps as the user has only GigE, but he’s buying a 10 GigE card 
 and does have a ‘stonking’ Windows PC so I’ll document the experience. I 
expect we’ll stream sustained at 50 Msps, quite possibly much more.


My B200 is streaming superbly at 28 Msps on a mid-range PC.


Simon Brown, G4ELI



From: Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com> 


Hi Simon - When you say "but performance is not great" ... beyond CPU load: do 
you get good Tx and Rx rates (e.g., if you run "benchmark_rate") without 
underruns / overflows / late packets (etc)? What is the MTU set to for this 
ENET link? 1 GbE or 10 GbE? Can you provide a little more detail for us to work 
with here? Thx! - MLD

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