Dear all, I'm building a new poky yocto image with gnuradio and uhd pre-installed for a wandboard, and I'm using meta-sdr (sumo) layer, and I'm bitbaking a gnuradio-dev-image. And the problem is, 1- when I used the default recipes in meta-sdr sumo branch, uhd package gives a compilation error. 2- then I changed to uhd 3.13 but I kept all recipes in sumo branch as the same, after doing this, bitbake gives no errors, but after finishing, I didn't find any uhd installed. 3- I've tried many things for example, - I add "uhd" to PACKAGECONFIG in gnuradio core recipe. - I've created a new image recipe ( where I manually add uhd and uhd-examples in "CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL". - I changed all meta-sdr to "master" branch and I faced a integration problem with other layers as they are all "sumo" branch. 4- in all my trails I always get a gnuradio package with gr-uhd missing.
I hope I was missing something, and it's easy to solve. please I need help with this, thanks in advance
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