Hi Rodolphe,

It is only possible to have one application "claim" the USRP at any given
time. So two instances of OAI can not run on the same device.

The max sample rate (using sc16) on 1Gb is ~ 25 MS/s. The max sample rate
(on X310) is 200 MS/s for a 10Gb link. If you have two RF DBs in a single
X310 and want to run at faster than 100 MS/s per card, you need to use both
10Gb interfaces to a single host, however, you're still limited to a single
instance of an application claiming the X310. The N310 has the same in
behavior, for example, if you want to run 4x channels at 61.44 MS/s, you
would need to use both SFP ports as 10Gb links with a single application
claiming it at a time.

Nate Temple

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 5:52 AM BERTOLINI Rodolphe via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hello USRP-users mailing list,
> We are using an X310 for OpenAirInterface (OAI). It has one RF card.
> I wonder the following:
>    - With the following configuration:
>       - USRP X310, HG image, one RF card
>       - host connected to USRP through 1*10Gbps and 1*1Gbps
>    - I run OAI on the 10Gbps ethernet interface, and while it is running
>    I tried to run an other instance via the 1Gbps ethernet interface. I didn't
>    expect it to work, but I didn't expect neither the error message: uhd tells
>    me that no USRP was found (I made sure it looks-up through the 1Gbps
>    interface).
>       - My interpretation is that once that all of the available RF cards
>       have an established link with the host, USRP closes all of the free
>       interfaces (PCIe, ethernet...)
>       - Thus, if I put an other RF card, and tell the USRP to use only
>       one ethernet interface per RF card, then I would be able to run one OAI
>       instance through an ethernet interface + an RF card, and an other 
> instance
>       through the other ethernet interface + the other RF card. Is it correct?
>       - Now if we consider the N310, its 4 RF cards and its 2 ethernet
>       interfaces: (ignoring limitation from OAI bandwidth requirements) is it
>       possible to run two instances of OAI through a single ethernet 
> interface,
>       so that I could run four instance through two ethernet interfaces?
>       - If all of the above is correct, do you have any idea on how to
>       achieve this?
> Thank you
> Regards,
> Rodolphe
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