On 10/08/2019 01:22 PM, Mark Wagner wrote:
These are N310s. I'm using 122.7kSps as the sample rate in the setup I'm using. I didn't send the full .grc file because there's 24 embedded python blocks that act as a correlate and shift with the tx sequence. When I was giving a separate USRP source to each N310 I could use both Tx/Rx channel and the Rx2 channel of my first N310 at the same time, but when I use only one USRP source I can't seem to get the Tx channel to work.

Could you share the complete message log, including errors. This will, among other things, show us which version of UHD you're running.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 6:48 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com <mailto:patchvonbr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 10/07/2019 05:25 PM, Mark Wagner wrote:
    Yeah, here's a basic example of the flowgraph

    On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 11:17 AM Marcus D Leech
    <patchvonbr...@gmail.com <mailto:patchvonbr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

         Could you share a minimal flow graph that displays the issue?

        Sent from my iPhone

        > On Oct 7, 2019, at 2:08 PM, Mark Wagner
        <m2wag...@eng.ucsd.edu <mailto:m2wag...@eng.ucsd.edu>> wrote:
        > Hey everyone,
        > I'm trying to transmit from the TX/RX port of a USRP while
        receiving from RX2 but I'm getting a 'device already claimed'
        error message. Here are some details:
        > My USRP sink block uses multiple USRP addresses, i.e.
        > "addr0=,addr1=,addr3=,..."
        > and each address goes to a different USRP in an array. I
        want to transmit a calibration tone across the array from the
        TX channel of the first USRP (addr0), but when I add a USRP
        source block it gives a 'device already claimed' message.
        This doesn't happen when I make individual USRP sink blocks
        for each USRP in the array.
        > Unfortunately if I separate my devices into several USRP
        sink blocks I can't guarantee the devices will be synched to
        the PPS. Is there a workaround for this?
        > -Mark
        > --
        > Mark Wagner
        > University of California San Diego
        > Electrical and Computer Engineering
        > _______________________________________________
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-- Mark Wagner
    University of California San Diego
    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Could you give more details of your hardware configuration. Are
    these N210s?  X310s?

    Also, I'll note that 32K as a sample rate is well below what is
    normally supported--do the start-up messages complain about that?

Mark Wagner
University of California San Diego
Electrical and Computer Engineering

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