Your output indicates that you're executing UHD v., not version
3.14.1, so you must have multiple versions installed.

Go to /usr/local/lib (or wherever you installed UHD on your machine) and
make sure it looks something like this when you type in "ls -l uhd*":
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       16 Sep 16 11:03 ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15583328 Sep 16 11:01

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 3:55 PM David Smay via USRP-users <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently did a clean installation of UHD 3.14.1 and gnuradio on
> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, following the steps outlined in the Ettus knowledge base
> for installation from source.
> The installation worked great, and I started experimenting with the
> example programs installed with UHD (located in /usr/lib/uhd/examples/).
> At first they ran correctly and I was able to run the gpio and
> benchmark_rate programs without issue, getting the normal expected output
> for my b205mini-i.
> Without making any changes to the system, and in the same shell session,
> all of a sudden the example programs all started consistently generating
> errors when I tried to run them:
> dsmay4@UbuntuPrecision7530:/usr/lib/uhd/examples$ ./benchmark_rate
> --rx_rate 10e6
> linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.0; Boost_106501; UHD_003.010.003.000-0-unknown
> UHD Warning:
>     EnvironmentError: IOError: Could not find path for image:
> usrp_b200_fw.hex
>     Using images directory: <no images directory located>
>     Set the environment variable 'UHD_IMAGES_DIR' appropriately or follow
> the below instructions to download the images package.
>     Please run:
>      "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/uhd/utils/"
> Creating the usrp device with: ...
> UHD Warning:
>     EnvironmentError: IOError: Could not find path for image:
> usrp_b200_fw.hex
>     Using images directory: <no images directory located>
>     Set the environment variable 'UHD_IMAGES_DIR' appropriately or follow
> the below instructions to download the images package.
>     Please run:
>      "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/uhd/utils/"
> Error: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for ----->
> Empty Device Address
> This is quite strange as my uhd_images_downloader isn't installed to that
> directory, but it does run just fine.  uhd_find_devices and uhd_usrp_probe
> run fine and indicate no problems with the radio itself.  Other sdr apps
> using the b205 work just fine - the problem seems to only impact these
> example programs.
> I tried rebooting, as well as uninstalling and reinstalling UHD (which
> reinstalled the example programs) but the problem persists.  I'm mostly
> interested in figuring out what caused the spontaneous change in system
> behavior.  I can't for the life of me figure out why just these apps can't
> find the fpga images but everything else works just fine...
> TIA,
> Dave
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