Hey Users!

I think this may be a possible deficiency in the test bench architecture,
or perhaps I just don't know how to instrument it properly. I have a custom
block that performs a 2:1 rate change roughly, performing compression of
the 16 bit I/Q from the radio down to a 16 bit word that is compressed, I
won't describe how. There is a corner case if EOB occurs when there is an
odd number of samples received from the radio. I have handled this by using
simple mode = 0, manipulating cvita header manually and throwing tlast to
make packets, with success. The noc block works, but I am struggling with
how to exercise the corner case in the testbench.

>From what I have seen, the testbench only allows for EOB to be manipulated
on sample counts that are a multiple of 2 (send() operates on 64 bits, or 2
samples of 16 bit I/Q). We have looked at the source and there doesn't seem
to be an easy way to throw EOB/TLAST on odd samples.We also think it is not
guaranteed that this will never happen from the radio. Thoughts?

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