Hi Sam,

My goal is to eliminate the frequency offset and sampling offset, and to have a 
consistent start time. Is there anything else that I should do to achieve 
these? Thanks!!

Best regards,
发件人: Sam Reiter <sam.rei...@ettus.com>
发送时间: 2019年8月20日 15:32
收件人: Jiang, Fengyang <fz...@psu.edu>; usrp-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
主题: Re: [USRP-users] A Question about Synchronization

Let's keep the usrp-users list included on these communications -- there are 
plenty of folks far more experienced than myself who may have valuable input.

Why don't we look at this from the standpoint of your requirements. What is 
your end goal with synchronizing your two devices? Do you need time alignment 
of samples, phase coherence between channels, a consistent start time between 
your two benchmarking programs, or something else?

Discussing your application and end goal would be helpful here as well.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 2:18 PM Jiang, Fengyang 
<fz...@psu.edu<mailto:fz...@psu.edu>> wrote:
Hi Sam,

Thank you for your help! Indeed I'm using benchmark scripts and I think adding 
arguments will help. I'm using two seperated commands for transmitting and 
receiving, so if I use:

python3 benchmark_tx_copied_from_ins.py -f 2.45G --args="addr=, 
clock_source=external, time_source=external" --tx-gain=40 --bandwidth=1M
python3 benchmark_rx_copied_from_ins.py -f 2.45G --args="addr=, 
clock_source=external, time_source=external" --rx-gain=40 --bandwidth=1M

will that satisfy my requirements? Thank you so much!

Best regards,
发件人: Sam Reiter <sam.rei...@ettus.com<mailto:sam.rei...@ettus.com>>
发送时间: 2019年8月20日 14:43
收件人: Jiang, Fengyang <fz...@psu.edu<mailto:fz...@psu.edu>>
主题: Re: [USRP-users] A Question about Synchronization

How you implement this will depend on what makes the most sense for your 
application. If you're just getting started running shipping examples, you can 
add device arguments for clock_source and time_source to specify external time 
sources. For example:

./benchmark_rate --rx_rate=1e6 --tx_rate=1e6 --args 

As you move on from shipping examples, you would want to include


at the appropriate place in your code to configure timing.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 1:09 PM Jiang, Fengyang via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com<mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to synchronize 2 USRP N210 devices using the OctoClock-G CDA-2990 as 
external 10MHz reference and PPS sources. It is said that I need to set up two 


Which file in which path should I modify in order to apply these 
configurations? Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Fengyang Jiang
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