MarcusI am running this in a Linux based VM running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The laptop I'm using is a Dell Precision 7730 with a Intel Xeon processor w/ cpu @ 2.90 GHz. It also has 64 GB or RAM. I'm using the 1 GbE on Ethernet port 0 on the X310. I'm using a sample rate of 1 MHz and center freq of 2.45 Ghz. Also, i'm using an older version of GNU Radio: 3.7.7 On Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 10:04:39 AM EDT, Marcus D. Leech <> wrote: On 08/14/2019 12:38 AM, Tellrell White wrote: Marcus However, I re-flashed the device with " uhd_image_loader --args type=x300" , power cycled and after running uhd_usrp_probe get what's shown below. This doesn't seem to be the new image. It's showing RFNoC blocks from a previous image that was installed prior to my use and when I try to run a flowgraph I'm getting the same error as mentioned in my previous message. Ideas?? These just look like the standard RFNOC blocks for X310. Keep in mind that internally, for several releases, UHD uses RFNOC, even if your code doesn't. What type of hardware is this running on? What kind of ethernet interface is connected to the X310? What sample rate are you using? What OS version? Within a VM, or on raw hardware?
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