The good news is that my RFNoC module does what I want it to do. The
bad news is that every version of UHD I've tried it on has serious RF
quality issues on one or both channels. I don't remember this from the
last time I use E310s about 5 years ago so my next step is to find step
back SD images looking for one that works. I'm hoping that someone
might have done this and can report on a good version. Then I can see
if my RFNoC module will build on it.
so far I've tried:
3.14 (latest main branch): I can't build anything on the FPGA
3.15 e310 pre-release: FPGA images build and work great, but Channel 0
produces only noise.
SD image version 4 from the Ettus website: FPGA images build and run
with non-critical errors but noise on both channels pops in and out
every 30 ms. (I'd be curious about any theories on this)

All of this has been tested on serveral radios using stock FPGA loads
and rx_samples_to_file: the RF issues are dependent only on UHD

Any ideas?

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