Hello Everyone,

I have an X300 radio with one TwinRx daughterboard annd one SBX
daughterboard. When we are trying to receive using three channels(i.e. 2
channels of TwinRx and 1 channel of SBX),where our subdevice specifications
are "A:0 A:1 B:0", we are seeing a run time error

RuntimeError: Conflicting tick rates: One neighbouring block specifies 2e+08
MHz, another 1e+08 MHz.

This is somehow acceptable because it is already specified in the TwinRx
manual that output is 100Msps complex samples per channel.

But when I connect the X radio with these two daughter boards SBX and
TwinRx and trying to transmit through only one channel, that is through
SBX, I have encountered an error:

EnvironmentError: IOError: Failed to sync DACs! EnvironmentError: IOError:
ctrl (CE_01_Port_40) no response packet - AssertionError: bool(buff)
  in unsigned __int64 __cdecl ctrl_iface_impl<0>::wait_for_ack(const
bool,const double)
  at  /home/username2/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:205

Is this expected one? Will streaming error out if trying to transmit
through SBX/UBX where placed along with TwinRx?

If yes why is this limitation?

If No, what parameters should I change? So that I can make successful

Thanks & Regards,
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