

I am trying to stream one, and only one, channel from a LFRX inside a X310
using the rx_samples_to_file example, but haven't been fully successful.
It seems to always stream data for the second channel as well.


The command I am running is:

rx_samples_to_file -file=/path_to_file/file.dat -type=short -ant="A"
-nsamps=5000 -rate=1e6 -freq=0e3


This gives me my data for antenna RXA, but it also streams zeros in the
place of antenna RXB.

If I change antenna to "AB", then I get data for both antennas RXA and RXB,
as I would expect.


I've also tried using the "channel" option, but that doesn't seem to make a


I've also tried using the "wirefmt" option, but that throws an error for
anything other than "sc16".  






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