Unfortunately, Python is the only programming language I know. And I
somehow difficult to imagine how without delay delays frequency tuning and
continuous reading. I think that the NUM_AND_DONE mode will help me, but I
do not know how to insist on it correctly and whether my reasoning on this
is correct. Can you tell me some way out of this situation? I think I'm not
the first to want to implement such a project on Ettus boards.

ср, 29 мая 2019 г. в 22:56, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <

> On 05/29/2019 03:29 AM, Ivan Zahartchuk via USRP-users wrote:
> Yes, I expanded the buffer as suggested in the driver. I made a test file
> for working with the board, here is its code.
> import uhdimport numpy as npfrom uhd import libpyuhd as libimport timeimport 
> scipy.signal as signalimport pyqtgraph as pg
> pw = pg.plot()import time
> num_samps=363*5usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP('')
> usrp.set_rx_subdev_spec(uhd.usrp.SubdevSpec('A:0'))print(usrp.get_pp_string())
> usrp.set_rx_rate(25e6)print(usrp.get_rx_rate()/1e6)
> stream_args=uhd.usrp.StreamArgs("fc32",'sc16')
> stream_args.channels=[0]
> rx_streamer=usrp.get_rx_stream(stream_args)
> stream_cmd=uhd.types.StreamCMD(uhd.types.StreamMode.start_cont)
> stream_cmd.num_samps=num_samps
> stream_cmd.stream_now=Falseusrp.set_time_now(uhd.types.TimeSpec(0.0))
> stream_cmd.time_spec=uhd.types.TimeSpec(0.001)
> rx_streamer.issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd)
> md = uhd.types.RXMetadata()
> buffer_samps = rx_streamer.get_max_num_samps()
> recv_buffer = np.zeros((len([0]), buffer_samps), dtype=np.complex64)
> result = np.empty((len([0]), num_samps), dtype=np.complex64)
> def fft_slices(x):
>     #        x = self.butter_bandpass_filter(x, -12.5e6, 12.5e6, 100e6, 
> order=6)    window = signal.hanning(363*5)
>     fx = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(window[np.newaxis, :] * x, axis=1))
>     Pxx = np.abs(fx) ** 2 / (np.abs(window) ** 2).sum()
>     Pxx[:, 1:-1] *= 2    Pxx = 20 * np.log10(Pxx ** 0.5)
>     return Pxxdef fft_test(x):
>         sample_freq,power=signal.welch(x,fs=25e6,window="hamm", 
> nperseg=num_samps,scaling="spectrum")
>         power=np.fft.fftshift(power)/1.5        return 10 * np.log10(power)
> while True:
>     result = np.empty((len([0]), num_samps), dtype=np.complex64)
>     k = uhd.types.TuneRequest(np.random.randint(900e6, 1000e6))
>     usrp.set_rx_freq(k)
>     while usrp.get_rx_sensor("lo_locked").to_bool() != True:
>         continue    #print(usrp.get_rx_freq())    recv_samps = 0    while 
> recv_samps < num_samps:
>         samps = rx_streamer.recv(recv_buffer, md)
>         time.sleep(0.001)
>         if md.error_code != lib.types.rx_metadata_error_code.none:
>             print(md.strerror())
>         if samps:
>             real_samps = min(num_samps - recv_samps, samps)
>             result[:, recv_samps:recv_samps + real_samps] = recv_buffer[:, 
> 0:real_samps]
>             recv_samps += real_samps
>         usrp.set_time_now(uhd.types.TimeSpec(0.0))
>         stream_cmd.time_spec = uhd.types.TimeSpec(0.001)
>         rx_streamer.issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd)
>     k1=fft_test(result).ravel()
>     if str(k1[0]) == 'nan':
>         print(k1[0])
>     else:
>         pw.plot(k1, clear=True)
>         pg.QtGui.QApplication.processEvents()
> But as far as I still understand, in this case I open a continuous stream of 
> reading. And I would like to read samples on request since I need to tune the 
> frequency and type an array with several subranges.
> def test_reciev_2(self, freq, bandwich):
>     #complex_buffs = np.empty((len([0]), self.samples * len(freq)))    buffs 
> = np.empty((len([0]), self.samples * len(freq)))
>     result = np.empty((len([0]), self.samples), dtype=np.complex64)
>     for i, freqq in enumerate(freq):
>         # self.usrp.set_rx_rate(bandwich[i])        k = 
> uhd.types.TuneRequest(freqq)
>         # k.args(uhd.types.device_addr("mode_n=integer"))        
> self.usrp.set_rx_freq(k,0)
>         self.streamer_rx.issue_stream_cmd(self.stream_cmd)
>         while self.usrp.get_rx_sensor("lo_locked").to_bool() != True:
>             continue        recv_samps = 0        while recv_samps < 
> self.samples:
>             samps = self.streamer_rx.recv(self.recv_buff, self.metadata_rx)
>             if self.metadata_rx.error_code != 
> lib.types.rx_metadata_error_code.none:
>                 print(self.metadata_rx.strerror())
>             if samps:
>                 real_samps = min(self.samples - recv_samps, samps)
>                 result[:, recv_samps:recv_samps + real_samps] = 
> self.recv_buff[:, 0:real_samps]
>                 recv_samps += real_samps
>         # print (self.usrp.get_rx_sensor('rssi'))        # 
> print(self.streamer_rx.get_max_num_samps())        # 
> self.stream_cmd.time_spec = lib.types.time_spec(0)        
> #self.stream_cmd.stream_now = False        #self.stream_cmd = 
> lib.types.stream_cmd(lib.types.stream_mode.stop_cont)        
> #self.streamer_rx.issue_stream_cmd(self.stream_cmd)        while samps:
>             samps = self.streamer_rx.recv(self.recv_buff, self.metadata_rx)
>         #complex_buffs = np.append(complex_buffs, result).ravel()        # 
> correct_result=result        #correct_result_1 = result - 
> (np.mean(result.real) + np.mean(result.imag) * 1j)        # 
> correct_result.real=result.real-np.mean(result.real)        # 
> correct_result.imag = result.imag - np.mean(result.imag)        PSD = 
> self.fft_test(result)
>         # PSD[8188:8202]=np.mean(PSD[8180:8188])        buffs[:, i * 
> value.samples:value.samples * i + value.samples] = PSD[:, 0:value.samples]
>     return complex_buffs, buffs.ravel()  # 
> np.append(buffs[value.samples:],buffs[:value.samples])
> You are going to need to reconsider your code structure.
> (A) The Python API is *NOT* the way to process high-sample-rate data (and
> 25Msps is high-sample-rate in this context)
> (B) You intermingle tuning and (continuous) streaming in the same thread,
> AND, insert small sleeps after receiving samples--at
>       25Msps, every 1millisecond you aren't "paying attention" to the
> receive stream, there's 25,000 samples building up.
>       Tuning takes a finite amount of time--it's a fundamentally analog
> process, so several milliseconds of latency for tuning
>       is not unusual.
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