Hi all, I have a question trying to sync the start of data burst with a PPS signal. With the options.... .stream_mode = UHD_STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS, .num_samps = 0, .stream_now = true
the code works ok, but when I change to.... .stream_now = false, .time_spec_full_secs = 2 The code gives... UHD Error: The receive packet handler caught a value exception. ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment Error code 0x0 was returned during streaming. Aborting. Before this I set the time_source to external and set the next PPS to 0 with... EXECUTE_OR_GOTO(free_rx_metadata,uhd_usrp_get_time_last_pps(usrp, channel, &aux_secs,&aux_frac_secs) ) do{ sleep(0.25); EXECUTE_OR_GOTO(free_rx_metadata, uhd_usrp_get_time_last_pps(usrp, channel, &aux_secs_loop,&aux_frac_secs) ) }while(aux_secs==aux_secs_loop); sleep(0.25); EXECUTE_OR_GOTO(free_rx_metadata, uhd_usrp_set_time_next_pps(usrp, 0, 0.0,channel)) Any help will be very appreciated! Thanks! _______________________________________________ USRP-users mailing list USRP-users@lists.ettus.com http://lists.ettus.com/mailman/listinfo/usrp-users_lists.ettus.com