On one USRP I have a thread that does this :
multiUsrp_->set_command_time( startTime, usrpIndex_ );
value = multiUsrp_->get_gpio_attr( "FP0", "READBACK", usrpIndex_ );
multiUsrp_->clear_command_time( usrpIndex_ );
while in another thread I do :
streamCmd.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t( e.header().tov_sec(), 1e-9 *
e.header().tov_nsec() ) +
uhd::time_spec_t( 1e-9 * e.sampleParams().sampleDelay() );
rxStream_->issue_stream_cmd( streamCmd );
In another USRP I have a thread that does this :
multiUsrp_->set_command_time( startTime, usrpIndex_ );
multiUsrp_->set_gpio_attr( "FP0", "OUT", 0Xfff, 0xfff, usrpIndex_ );
multiUsrp_->set_command_time( endTime, usrpIndex_ );
multiUsrp_->set_gpio_attr( "FP0", "OUT", 0X0, 0xfff, usrpIndex_ );
multiUsrp_->clear_command_time( usrpIndex_ );
While another thread does the same as the second thread above.
Both are their own executables. In both cases, the second case being
much worse, I am seeing ERROR_CODE_LATE_COMMAND coming back on receive
for many but not all of the packets coming back. Any ideas?
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