On 03/12/2019 12:49 PM, Patscheider, Dominik via USRP-users wrote:
Hello ,
For a Radar I´m transmitting and receiving with the USRP X310 samples
on different frequency steps.
For instance, after 4 frames I´m coming back to the first center freq
and continue this a few times. Hope the following description helps…
f3 |phase4| |…|
f2 |phase3| |…|
f1 |phase2| |phase6| …
f0 |phase1| |phase5|
t ------>
According to the freq adjust every frame starts with a new phase.
Phase 1 ≠Phase 5
Is there any possibility to get the same phase after returning to the
same center freq? Phase 1=Phase 5, Phase 2 = Phase 6,…
Thanks in advance.
Almost certainly not. It would take a very special type of frequency
synthesizer to achieve that.
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