Is there any method can control the timing for the RFNOC Replay Block in X310?
I tried adding time spec but the transmitter failed to start. In fact, as long 
as I set "stream_cmd.stream_now = false;"  then, the transmitter will not turn 
on unless set it back to true and power restart the X310.

stream_cmd.time_spec = tx_radio_ctrl->get_time_now() + uhd::time_spec_t(2.0 );
replay_ctrl->issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd, replay_chan);

Also, I tried using timed command, but no luck.
The goal of the project is to transmit and receive pulses at the same time and 
get the timing well controlled. We succeeded in doing so by having a clock 
trigger in the Verilog file. I am wondering if it is possible by just using UHD 
command in c++ level to align transmitter and receiver in time. Thank you for 
your time.

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