I just built UHD for my version of Visual Studio (15.5 == 2017)
the examples, such as uhd_usrp_probe, execute normally.

I am trying to make a new project and build the init_usrp example.
The CMake GUI for Windows cannot find UHD:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:33 (find_package):
By not providing "FindUHD.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "UHD", but
CMake did not find one.

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "UHD" (requested
version 3.8.0) with any of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "UHD" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "UHD_DIR"
to a directory containing one of the above files. If "UHD" provides a
separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

I tried setting UHD_DIR, UHD_INCLUDE_DIRS, UHD_LIBRARIES in the CMake cache
without any improvements.

What is the best way to get CMake to find UHD on Windows?

Thank you,
Martin Klingensmith
USRP-users mailing list

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