First, it's really not failing by much -- you got under 7 ns, so it's
*almost* there.

Two suggestions:

1. If the input/output of the block does not go directly into axi_wrapper,
try adding an axi_flop at the end to insert a one-cycle delay. This could
break up a critical path if you have a few "0-delay" blocks in a row. If
this goes into axi_wrapper, it should probably be fine

2. This is a smoking gun:

`(vector_cnt == (of_n-1)*keep_m)`

See if you can find a way around the multiply operation and I expect it
will work just fine.


On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 9:47 AM Jason Matusiak <>

> Gents, thanks for the input.  I actually found the section I needed in the
> timing report just before you guys wrote (I hate trying to sift through
> those).  It is indeed my block that is causing issues.  I was getting ready
> to try to break out my testbench and start playing with it by adding some
> registers to see if that helps (the testbench worked before, so I won't
> know if this helps timing, but I could at least make sure I didn't break
> anything.
> Excellent point on the clock differences.  I was stuck down a rabbit hole
> as to why the E310 would be fine, but not the X310, but that makes sense.
> I was just getting lucky I guess at the slower clock rates.
> Here is the relevant timing issue:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From Clock: ce_clk
> To Clock: ce_clk
> Setup : 8006 Failing Endpoints, Worst Slack -2.711ns, Total Violation
> -4376.156ns
> Hold : 0 Failing Endpoints, Worst Slack 0.035ns, Total Violation 0.000ns
> PW : 0 Failing Endpoints, Worst Slack 1.565ns, Total Violation 0.000ns
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Max Delay Paths
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Slack (VIOLATED) : -2.711ns (required time - arrival time)
> Source: x300_core/inst_keepMinN/sr_n/out_reg[2]_replica/C
> (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by ce_clk {rise@0.000ns
> fall@2.333ns period=4.667ns})
> Destination: x300_core/inst_keepMinN/keepMinN/vector_cnt_reg[12]/R
> (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by ce_clk {rise@0.000ns
> fall@2.333ns period=4.667ns})
> Path Group: ce_clk
> Path Type: Setup (Max at Slow Process Corner)
> Requirement: 4.667ns (ce_clk rise@4.667ns - ce_clk rise@0.000ns)
> Data Path Delay: 6.966ns (logic 5.340ns (76.654%) route 1.626ns (23.346%))
> Logic Levels: 10 (CARRY4=5 DSP48E1=2 LUT1=1 LUT3=1 LUT5=1)
> Clock Path Skew: -0.053ns (DCD - SCD + CPR)
> Destination Clock Delay (DCD): -1.659ns = ( 3.008 - 4.667 )
> Source Clock Delay (SCD): -2.028ns
> Clock Pessimism Removal (CPR): -0.422ns
> Clock Uncertainty: 0.054ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
> Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.071ns
> Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.082ns
> Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
> (and it continues with more stuff that I don't think is particularly
> useful).
> So, it is plain to see that something I am doing inside my block is very
> stupid (though accomplishes what I wanted.  I can post the code, so maybe
> someone can spot the issue (I really think it is a registering problem that
> I need to do on the output side).  Please excuse the simplicity of the
> code, I needed to through something together VERY fast, and instead of
> being elegant, I went with easy to code up.
> The block's title is a little misleading, it basically keeps M vectors out
> of N vectors.  So if the vector size is 512, and M==2 and N==10.  I will
> pass through 1024 samples, and then dump the next 4096 samples.  Then wash,
> rinse, repeat.  The verilog is attached since I was having trouble keeping
> formatting when I pasted it here.
> --------- Original Message ---------
> Subject: Re: [USRP-users] rfnoc build works for E310, doesn't meet timing
> with X310
> From: "EJ Kreinar" <>
> Date: 11/8/18 9:09 am
> To: "Jason Matusiak" <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Hi Jason,
> That actually makes sense to me... Bus clk on the e310 is usually 50 MHz
> if I remember correctly (and if it didn't change), and the max radio_clk is
> something like 64ish MHz.
> Max clock rates on the x310 are, I believe, more like 200-215 MHz. So
> logic in the x310 nominally needs to settle within 5 ns while logic on the
> e310 can have a luxurious 15-20 ns. Xilinx will try very hard to optimize
> timing and the build for x310 could take a LONG time.
> If you can access the timing report, it will often show critical paths,
> but the text report is often unintelligible to me. I have also built in GUI
> mode before (like setting up a ILA core) because the Vivado interface for
> organizing and understanding timing failures are actually pretty helpful.
> I'd also suggest, if you'd like some verilog input, to send the relevant
> code you think might continue to the timing errors, and we can take a look
> for ideas? It could potentially lead to a quick solution if you're up for
> it. A MaxNinM block sounds like it could easily contribute to poor timing
> depending on the implementation.
> EJ
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018, 8:11 AM Jason Matusiak via USRP-users <
> wrote:
>> OK, this has befuddled me for 3 days and I can't seem to get past it.  I
>> have a prefix that seems to work fine.
>> Here are my working steps for building a bitfile on an E310:
>> cd /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/uhd/fpga-src/usrp3/tools/scripts
>> source ../../top/e300/
>> ./ keepMinN ddc split_stream axi_fifo_loopback -d
>> e310 -t E310_RFNOC_sg3 -I /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/rfnoc-nocblocks
>> This build and runs fine.  keepMinN is a small custom block I made that
>> doesn't use much resources and has been working fine for weeks.
>> Now, if I open a new terminal and run this:
>> cd /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/uhd/fpga-src/usrp3/tools/scripts
>> source ../../top/x300/
>> ./ keepMinN ddc ddc split_stream axi_fifo_loopback -d
>> x310 -t X310_RFNOC_XG -I /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/rfnoc-nocblocks -m 5
>> it never seems to meet timing.  Now, I have done this with and without
>> the "-m" directive, that doesn't seem to matter.  The only real difference
>> in the command is the second ddc block.
>> So what the heck could be causing these issues?  If anything, I would
>> have expected the X310 build to be fine and the E310 to not meet timing.
>> Another odd thing (though I am chalking it up to the X310 doing more) is
>> that the X310 build is taking A LOT longer.  I don't recall it taking this
>> long before, but I am not sure.
>> It tell me to look at the report_timing_summary, but it hasn't updated
>> yet (it keeps running for a bit after throwing the timing warning).  If I
>> remember though, I think that the issue it had was with the ce_clk for some
>> reason.
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