Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to build UHD from source on a Mac (note: I am a complete novice using a Mac) -> thread_local storage is not supported for the current target related to "this_server.cc" and "this_session.cc" in the rpclib
Note that I successfully installed UHD using MacPorts per the instructions (sudo port install uhd). This process successfully built UHD from source and installed in default system folders. The command "uhd_find_devices" ran fine afterwards. I then uninstalled it (sudo port uninstall uhd) so that I could clone the repository manually and build/install in folders of my own choosing and with desired options (such as -DENABLE_RFNOC=ON). I'm not sure what is happening differently when MacPorts does the build as opposed to me running the build by manually running cmake/make using the commands provided in the install guide. But, it is successful and I am not. I tried to use the "-v" option during the MacPorts install of UHD but that did nothing. Let me know any suggestions. Thanks. Rob
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