On 10/26/2018 06:06 AM, Anabel Almodovar via USRP-users wrote:
Dear Marcus,

Thanks for your answer, but it doesn't clarify my doubt. In particular I would like to know how the COMPANION mode works in the local oscillators configuration.

The following piece of code, originally from Derek Kozel (designer of the TwinRX card) shows how to set up the LO sources so that all
  channels are sharing the same LO:

/>/  usrp->set_rx_lo_source("internal","all",0);
/>/  usrp->set_rx_gain(gain,1);
/>/  gain = usrp->get_rx_gain(1);
/>/  cout<<"Actual RX Gain for channel 1: "<<gain<<" dB\n";
/>/  usrp->set_rx_lo_source("companion","all",1);
/>/  usrp->set_rx_gain(gain,2);
/>/  gain = usrp->get_rx_gain(2);
/>/  cout<<"Actual RX Gain for channel 2: "<<gain<<" dB\n";
/>/  usrp->set_rx_lo_source("external","all",2);
/>/  usrp->set_rx_gain(gain,3);
/>/  gain = usrp->get_rx_gain(3);
/>/  cout<<"Actual RX Gain for channel 3: "<<gain<<" dB\n";
/>/  usrp->set_rx_lo_source("external","all",3);


The "companion" setting directs the 2nd channel on the first card to use the same LO as the 1st channel on that card, while the 2nd card uses
  the exported LO from the 1st channel of the 1st card.

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