Hey Jason,

In regards to your original post, I wonder if the issue is due to the split
stream block. Perhaps it has a bubble state and cannot keep up at full
rate. Have you tried moving the Keep One in N before the split stream?


On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:07 PM Jason Matusiak via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> OK, now I am really confused.
> Part of my math issue seems to be that I set the "sample rate" in the
> RFNoC radio to be my sample_rate because I knew I could ignore due to the
> lack of DDC (it would then be set to the master clock rate).
> When I run my flowgraph, I see that the master clock rate is getting set
> properly (if I use a bad value, it tells me), but it seems to be running at
> the sample rate that is in there (so if I say 25MHz, it will do that
> instead of the 56MHz the master clock rate is set to).  As far as I know,
> this shouldn't happen since I don't have a DDC in my bitfile to allow this
> (nor is it in my flowgraph).
> BUT, if I run a benchmark_rate test and set the --rx_rate to be 25e6, it
> says that it can't do that and it sets it to be the master clock rate.
> So what gives?  Is something happening on the GR side that is doing
> something odd with the sample rate?  This doesn't add up to me.
> --------- Original Message ---------
> Subject: general RFNoC timing question
> From: "Jason Matusiak" <ja...@gardettoengineering.com>
> Date: 9/24/18 2:48 pm
> To: "Ettus Mail List" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
> I have a flowgraph I am running on an E310 using all stock RFNoC blocks.
> It looks a lot like this:
> RFNoC:Radio ---> RFNoC: Split Stream ---> RFNoC: FFT ---> RFNoC: Keep 1 in
> N ---> RFNoC: Log Power ----> GR: complex to float  ---> GR:Raster Sink
>                                                                           |
>                                                                           |
> ---> RFNOC: Keep 1 in N ---> GR: log Power FFT ---> GR: custom block --->
> GR: Raster sink
> So no DDC in the flowgraph.  If I run the master_clock_rate at 56MHz, the
> sample rate should be the same (I have SPP=512, and that is the size of the
> FFT as well).  I would then think that the pair of Keep 1 in Ns should
> basically divide down the rate by N.  So if I have them set to 56e3, that
> means I should get a sample rate that averages out to be 1KHz out each of
> the two streams to host for a total of 2KHz.  I know that the E310 can
> stream 10MHz no problem to the ARM, so I am not sure why in this scenario I
> get a ton of:
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Ooverrun on chan 0
> Now why would that be?  I have no idea.
> I set my downstream sample rate (on the GR host) to be
> sample_rate/keep1inN.  I bring this up because in the case about
> sample_rate is the same as master_clock_rate.  If I reduce the sample_rate
> to be 40MHz (which gets ignored by the E310 since I don't have a DDC, but
> gets used in the down stream sample rate for the raster guis, I can set the
> keep1inN up to the max of 65535 and there are no overflows.  There are
> "timeout on chan 0" errors, but I think that is because RFNoC must be
> timing out somewhere du to the throughput being so slow.
> Does this make sense?  Does anyone have an idea what I am doing stupidly
> wrong?  I have a feeling I am violating timing somewhere, but I can't
> figure out where....
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