Hey everybody,

I've got a question. I have a RFNoC block that has a unique NoC ID as a
parameter, but is instantiated twice in my design (same situation as the
Radio Cores or DDC/DUC blocks, that share the same NoC ID but are connected
to different Crossbar ports when included more than once in the design).

In my software tests I take control of both radio cores separately by doing

uhd::rfnoc::block_id_t radio_ctrl_id0(0, "Radio", radio_id0); // RX0 (DB-A)
uhd::rfnoc::block_id_t radio_ctrl_id1(0, "Radio", radio_id1); // RX1 (DB-B)
uhd::rfnoc::radio_ctrl::sptr radio_ctrl0 = usrp->get_block_ctrl<
uhd::rfnoc::radio_ctrl >(radio_ctrl_id0);
uhd::rfnoc::radio_ctrl::sptr radio_ctrl1 = usrp->get_block_ctrl<
uhd::rfnoc::radio_ctrl >(radio_ctrl_id1);

And I'm taking control of custom, generic blocks like this:

uhd::rfnoc::block_ctrl_base::sptr myblock_ctrl;
if (usrp->has_block(cubepacketizer_blockid)) {
myblock_ctrl = usrp->get_block_ctrl(myblock_id);

What should I do now if, in this example, myblock_id is instantiated twice
in my core, and I need to get a controller for one of each blocks?
(For instance, to process two different signal paths, coming from both
Radio Cores).

Thanks a lot,

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