Hi David,

so, NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE sounds right for this application, and pre-
determining the time at when the observation will start with time_specs
sounds absolutely like what I'd recommend.

You say there's a "delay when leaving the recv function"; I'm not quite
sure I understand what you're referring to, here?

Recv() just takes the data coming in, takes it from the hardware
buffer, converts it to the number format you requested, and writes it
into the buffer you gave it, and repeats until the requested number of
items have been received (or some timeout or extranormal condition
happened). There's no delay that we added there!

Note that these calculations might actually take some time. Hence, it's
absolutely desirable to have two (or even more, but stick with two for
now) threads that just call recv() in endless loops – recv() is thread-
safe, and that way, you can already handle the next hardware buffer,
while the first is still being processed (subject to CPU limitations).

Best regards,

On Thu, 2018-07-19 at 09:48 +0200, David Zamorano Fernández via USRP-
users wrote:
> Hi.
> We have implemented a TDMA receiver on an E310. We have to receive
> slots of 40 ms duration and we must capture and process each of them.
> These capture instants must be very precise, so we have used GPS to
> discipline the internal clock of the E310.
> What is the most appropriate stream mode for this task?
> Currently, STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS is used but the first slot
> has too much delay when leaving the recv function (about 14 ms). It
> has also been tested with STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_MORE, programming
> the next slot time_spec each time.
> Thanks.
> --
> David Zamorano Fernández
> Investigador - Desarrollador | Área de Comunicaciones Avanzadas
> Researcher - Developer | Advanced Communications Department
> Ph. (+34) 986 120 430  Ext. 3012
> dzamor...@gradiant.org  |  www.gradiant.org
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