On 07/10/2018 07:14 PM, Rob Kossler wrote:
> Thanks Michael,
> Is there any place where the minor branches are summarized?  In other
> words, what are the primary differences among 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12?


good question. We provide a changelog for that:



> Rob
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 4:02 PM Michael West via USRP-users
> <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
>     After many years of service, the maint branch is being retired from
>     UHD.  In its place are branches for each of the minor UHD releases. 
>     In addition to the UHD-3.9.LTS branch, the following branches have
>     been created:
>     UHD-3.12
>     UHD-3.11
>     UHD-3.10
>     The master branch is once again the default branch.  The master
>     branch will continue to contain the latest UHD with all available
>     features and bug fixes.  Bug fixes will continue to be back ported
>     from master onto the latest minor release and ABI or patch releases
>     will continue to be made as they have been.  Bug fixes and features
>     may be back ported onto earlier minor release branches when
>     warranted and ABI or patch releases for those branches may be made
>     when necessary.  To request back porting of a bug fix or feature to
>     an earlier minor release, please contact Ettus
>     Support<supp...@ettus.com> <mailto:supp...@ettus.com>.  Requests
>     will be handled on a case by case basis.
>     To get the latest stable UHD release plus any bug fixes (the
>     equivalent of the head of maint), simply checkout the head of the
>     latest minor branch (currently UHD-3.12).
>     This change will help provide long term support of any minor release
>     and remove the issue caused by the resetting of the head of maint
>     with every minor release.
>     Regards,
>     Michael
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