Dear all,

I have more news on that. After following the steps provided by Nick, I finally succeed with the loopback. However, I have some observations: 1- At the Addendum, it is described that set_tx_streamer shall be used with E310. After many hours spent, I tried to set it also with X300 and it worked with a simple flowgraph. So, my impression is that the set_tx_streamer has to be also used in the case of X300, at least in my case.
2- I use the rfnoc-devel commit f3118cb6.
3- I had to employ the 120 Msps master_clock_rate. For higher master rates, the system does not work. No errors nor complains are displayed. The leds just do not blink. 4- In very very simple flowgraphs (radio RX -> radio TX without queues/FIFOs) the loopback works at 200 Msps, but if some additional blocks (splitters, adders, duc/ddc) are added, the system does not work (no errors again, just leds off). 5- The presence of ddc/duc to reduce the clock_rate of intermediate blocks seems that does not affect to the performance. All intermediate blocks can work at 120 Msps but not at 200. 6- I cannot stop the workflow. This is very annoying because I have to power off the USRP *every time* that I run the flowgraph. Even though I send STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS to both rx radio and I set set_tx/rx_streamer to false, the loopback still runs. I use GRC and I am not sure wether is caused by gnuradio or RFNoC. I am going to work with this.

IMHO a warn/error/complain should be displayed if the RFNoC system cannot work due to the master clock rate because there is no additional information a priori to know what's wrong. My USRPs are placed in a remote lab and I am not able to see wether tx/rx leds are blinking or are off. My impression is that the blocks cannot meet the master clock rate but I am pretty sure that you can provide more information on that.

I will update this thread if more progresses are achieved.

Thank you all.

Dr. Pol Henarejos
Array and Multi-Sensor Processing Department, Communication Systems Division

Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7
08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain)
Tel: +34 93 645 29 00  Ext: 2177

El 25/6/2018 a les 17:28, Nick Foster via USRP-users ha escrit:
What is the behavior of the lights on the front panel?

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018, 12:31 AM Pol Henarejos via USRP-users < <>> wrote:

    Dear Derek,

    I tried the link that you gave but no luck.
    1) I disabled the use of timestamp and, dissecting the packets with
    wireshark, I cross-checked that the use_timestamp bit is 0.
    2) I added the set_rx_streamer and issue_cmd to my flograph but nothing
    happens. I am not sure if both commands work properly, but I guess
    they do.

    Do you have additional hints on that?

    Thank you.

    Dr. Pol Henarejos
    Array and Multi-Sensor Processing Department, Communication Systems
    Division <>

    Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
    Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7
    08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain)
    Tel: +34 93 645 29 00  Ext: 2177 <>

    El 22/6/2018 a les 14:21, Pol Henarejos via USRP-users ha escrit:
     > Thank you, Derek. I will take a look.
     > I hope that some progress will be achieved in a near future.
     > Best regards.
     > Dr. Pol Henarejos
     > Researcher
     > Array and Multi-Sensor Processing Department, Communication Systems
     > Division
     > <>
     > Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
     > Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7
     > 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain)
     > Tel: +34 93 645 29 00  Ext: 2177
     > <>
     > El 22/6/2018 a les 13:13, Derek Kozel ha escrit:
     >> Hello Dr Henarejos,
     >> Currently an RFNoC only flowgraph is not fully supported. What is
     >> missing is the issuing of the commands to start streaming and a
     >> mechanism to handle timestamps. Some modifications are needed to
     >> these work.
     >> Nick Foster has done a write up on a few different ways of handling
     >> the necessary modifications.
     >> Regards,
     >> Derek
     >> On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 10:10 AM, Pol Henarejos via USRP-users
     >> < <>
    <>>> wrote:
     >>     Dear all,
     >>     I am playing with RFNoC on a USRP X300. I built a custom
     >>     image with the blocks that I need successfully and
    everything goes
     >>     smooth. However, if I want to use a flowgraph with only
    RFNoC blocks
     >>     (RFNoC Radio RX --> DmaFIFO --> RFNoC Radio TX), it does not
     >>     The USRP does nothing (no blinking leds, no error messages,
     >>     nothing). If I replace the DmaFIFO block with a Copy block,
    then it
     >>     works but, as expected, this is not efficient since all the
     >>     go to the host and go back to the USRP. I would want to
    perform a
     >>     relay by using only RFNoC blocks. My impression is that a
    command to
     >>     the USRP might be needed (a streaming command or so), but I
    have no
     >>     idea what is wrong.
     >>     I attach the flowgraph.
     >>     (only RFNoC blocks does not work)
     >>     (flowing samples to host and going back to USRP does work
    but it is
     >>     extremely inefficient)
     >>     Thank you.
     >>     --
     >>     Dr. Pol Henarejos
     >>     Researcher
     >>     Array and Multi-Sensor Processing Department, Communication
     >> Systems Division
     >> <>
    < <>>
     >>     Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
     >>     Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7
     >>     08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain)
     >>     Tel: +34 93 645 29 00  Ext: 2177
     >> <> <>
     >>     _______________________________________________
     >>     USRP-users mailing list
     >> <>
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>> <>
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     > USRP-users mailing list
     > <>

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