On 06/14/2018 01:01 PM, Michael West via USRP-users wrote:
There may also be an issue with buffered I/O and how the flowgraph is stopped. The kill flowgraph button in the main window of GRC is like hitting Ctrl-C. Try closing the empty window that pops up. You can also try making the file sink unbuffered and see if that makes a difference.

Given that Gnu Radio is already buffering, using the "unbuffered" option all the time might not be so bad.

The underlying issue is that the C-based 'stdio' buffering mechanism doesn't in and of itself provide any kind of "flush my buffers on program exit" facility--because C doesn't really have anything like that. So higher-level environments, like Python have mechanisms to take care of that "most" of the time, except when you brutally kill them with a signal--the buffers remain uncommitted to the kernel and the program leaves the building, so to speak. However, if you use "unbuffered", the writes are committed immediately to the OS, which means that they're already conceptually "on disk" from the perspective of any external observer.

On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com <mailto:martin.br...@ettus.com>> wrote:

    I would expect it grow indefinitely, but it might slow down after 1.2
    MB. If repeat is on, expect lots of data.

    The 106 bytes vs. 64 bytes is more interesting. I don't see why, but
    maybe somewhere the last 42 bytes are getting stuck. It might even
    be in
    GNU Radio.

    Try a file that's a multiple of your SPP value, and see what happens
    then (with repeat set to off).

    -- m

    On 06/12/2018 01:37 AM, Nives Novković via USRP-users wrote:
    > Hi Michael,
    > Thank you for your answer. I am sending attached screenshot of the
    > flowgraph and the console. I saw that if I modify the File
    Source block
    > option repeat to "No" I receive only 64 bytes of a file that is 106
    > bytes large. If I set it to "Yes" then the content of the sent
    file will
    > repeat itself until it fills up 1.2MB on the receiving end.
    > Also I tried using Head block but that only helps if I want to
    send a
    > file that is smaller than 1.2MB.
    > uto, 12. lip 2018. u 01:57 Michael West <michael.w...@ettus.com
    > <mailto:michael.w...@ettus.com <mailto:michael.w...@ettus.com>>>
    napisao je:
    >     Hi Nives,
    >     It is difficult to help without more information.  If you
    share the
    >     flowgraph and console output, people on the list might be
    able to
    >     help more.
    >     Regards,
    >     Michael
    >     On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 1:01 AM, Nives Novković via USRP-users
    >     <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
    <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>>> wrote:
    >         Hi everyone,
    >         I am starting to familiarize myself with GNU radio and
    >         First thing I tried is simply to send a file to X310
    using GNU
    >         radio and receive it back unchanged. For that I used
    blocks -
    >         File Source, Throttle, RFNoC: FIFO and File Sink. But no
    >         what size the file I send, I always receive 1.2MB. Even
    if my
    >         sent file is smaller than that it just multiplies the file
    >         content until it reaches 1.2MB. Do you have any idea
    what could
    >         be the problem?
    >         Kind regards,
    >         Nives
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