After examining the files in depth, I realized I need some help
understanding core concepts in FPGA programming:

In "axi_fir_filter.v" there is a parameter named
"USE_EMBEDDED_REGS_COEFFS", and explained in comment: " Reduce register
usage by only using embedded registers in DSP slices".

- What is the actual difference between registers and embedded registers?
- Does the implementation of the two only differ in usage of "wire" vs.

Thanks for your time,

On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 11:28 AM, Nick Foster <> wrote:

> It's going to depend on how much block RAM the image is already using, and
> how much more you can use while still getting the image to route. The
> easiest way to find out will be to try it.
> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018, 9:14 AM shachar J. brown <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Nick, that's an excellent example.
>> Do you know what are the memory size restrictions of the configuration
>> data?
>> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 10:50 AM, Nick Foster <>
>> wrote:
>>> Look at the RFNoC FIR filter block for a good example of pushing
>>> configuration data into a block via the settings bus.
>>> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018, 8:25 AM shachar J. brown via USRP-users <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm working on an X310.
>>>> I have large data (tables of 1-3 K of variables) I would like to insert
>>>> into the FPGA's memory registers while running.
>>>> How much space is available in the FPGA? Seemingly, the Address for the
>>>> "set_register" is only 8 bits long, and the first 128 addresses are
>>>> reserved for the Noc_Shell. So... Does that mean I can store only 128
>>>> variables at a time?
>>>> (Just to clarify: I want to change the data while running, and I'd like
>>>> it to be inside the FPGA for performance issues).
>>>> Thank a ton!
>>>> Steve
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