On 05/29/2018 08:47 PM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users wrote:
> On 05/29/2018 08:40 PM, Cho, Daniel J (332C) via USRP-users wrote:
>> Hello –
>> I am using a USRP E312 to transmit a signal from a file.  I have a
>> computer connected to the USRP E312 via serial USB and I SSH into the
>> USRP E312.  Inside the USRP E312, I have a file that is transmitted. 
>> I use the out of the box program that is already in the USRP E312
>> (tx_from_file program) to transmit the file and the program is set to
>> transmit repeatedly (file loops).  For some reason, when I disconnect
>> the USRP E312 from the computer, it will still transmit the file for a
>> little less than a minute then it will stop transmitting.  Since the
>> USRP E312 is meant to be used as a standalone with its own OS, why
>> does it have to stay connected to a computer in order for it to
>> continually transmit?  Is there some kind of “wait” in the code where
>> if the USRP E312 does not sense a computer connected to it, it will
>> timeout?
>> Thanks
> A straight SSH connection to ANY linux box has the property that if the
> SSH server cannot maintain contact with the client, it will terminate the
>   session.  This is not specific to E312 or USRPs.
> If I had a long-running process that I wanted to "kick off" using an SSH
> session, I'd probably use "nohup" and background it prior to disconnecting.

Us young guys might also use the screen command to create a long running
terminal you can reconnect to ifyou re-establish the connection.


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