Hi Peter,

Does the testbench you make as part of the tutorial work?


On Wed, May 23, 2018, 12:09 PM Peter Sanchez via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a USRP X310 and just finished going through the RFNoC Getting
> Started tutorial. After uploading the desired blocks to the FPGA, I wanted
> to run the example in GNU Radio Companion, like in the tutorial, but the
> terminal keeps showing "timeout on chan 0" errors. The Link light flashes
> between green and amber while this happens.
> I swapped the custom gain block that I made during the tutorial for the
> RFNoC Digital Gain block, in the GNU Radio Companion and in the FPGA, but
> the error persists.
> If I remove either Gain blocks and connect the DDC straight to the Copy
> block, the timeout errors stop.
> Does any one know what is wrong? I'm running Ubuntu and have the latest
> RFNoC files installed using the methods described in the tutorial.
> Thanks
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