Hi Rob,

Your procedure and commands look fine.  We are looking into the issue now
and will post an update as soon as possible.


On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 6:27 PM, Rob Kossler via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Still hoping to get example or instructions on how to operate & send
> tuning commands for the case of external LO with N310....
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 12:35 PM, Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Robin,
>> I have duplicated the issue using the "rx_samples_to_file" stock example.
>> Attached you will find 2 screen shots as well as a console log containing
>> two executions of the rx_samples_to_file program.  In the first run, the
>> rx_lo_source is set to internal while in the second run, it is external.
>> Note that the two command lines are identical with the exception of the
>> rx_lo_source and the capture filename.
>> In the first screenshot (ending in 33.png), you will see a spectral plot
>> of 100 equally spaced CW tones centered at 2444 MHz (slightly offset from
>> Rx center frequency of 2442 MHz). This plot shows the expected capture
>> spectrum.  In the second plot, you will see a distorted spectrum with
>> mirroring of tones across the Rx center frequency.
>> It seems to me that the problem is either a bug or else improper usage of
>> the external LO option.  If the latter, perhaps you could comment on why
>> the rx_samples_to_file example program will not work correctly in an
>> external LO configuration.
>> I am using an X310/UBX-160 to supply both the multitone signal (Tx 0) and
>> the LO reference (Tx 1).  The multitone signal is split 4 ways and applied
>> to the four Rx2 inputs on the N310 (with appropriate atten).  The LO CW
>> tone is split 2 ways and applied to the two rx_LO inputs on the N310 (4884
>> MHz, 3 dBm at each LO input).  Both of these signals were transmitting
>> constantly during both of the experiments.
>> Note that although I applied the multitone signal to all four channels,
>> only the first channel (channel 0) is evaluated here because the
>> rx_samples_to_file program can not capture multiple channels.
>> By the way, during the course of debugging this external LO issue, I came
>> across two unrelated UHD problems:
>> 1) rx_samples_to_file now includes a "channel" argument to specify which
>> channel you want.  However, it is not a useful feature because none of the
>> other channel setting options (such as setting gain, freq, etc) respect the
>> channel argument.  So, it really only works for channel 0 as it did all
>> along.
>> 2) kitchen_sink does not compile.  I tried to run this utility because of
>> problems / limitations with rx_samples_to_file.  However, it presently does
>> not compile because of recent UHD changes (messaging).
>> Rob
>> On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 10:31 PM, Robin Coxe <robin.c...@ettus.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Rob.  You are specifying use of the RX external LO correctly via
>>> device arguments.   Each of the daughtercards on the N310 contains a single
>>> Analog Device AD9371 2 TX x 2 Rx RF integrated transceiver.   The two Tx
>>> channels share an LO and the 2 Rx channels share an LO.  Consequently, the
>>> TX or RX frequency of RF channel 0 and RF channel 1 are constrained by the
>>> RFIC to be the same and the TX or RF frequency of RF channel 2 and RF
>>> channel 3 must be the same.   The AD9371 is capable of FDD operation, so
>>> the TX frequency does not need to be equal to the RX frequency.
>>> The LO tuning code for the N310 daughterboard in UHD is (not obviously)
>>> located here and, as you correctly point out, is handled differently from
>>> previous USRPs:
>>> https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/tree/maint/host/lib/usr
>>> p/dboard/magnesium
>>> Magnesium is the internal code Ettus Research name for the N310
>>> daughterboard.    We will make this obscure fact more obvious in the
>>> documentation.
>>> -Robin
>>> On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 2:31 AM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <
>>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>>> On 04/07/2018 10:39 AM, Rob Kossler wrote:
>>>> Hi Marcus,
>>>> No, I haven't fooled with LO level adjustments.  I set the LO at about
>>>> 3 dBm and did not change it.  The LO freq is indeed 2x (LO at 4884MHz with
>>>> center freq at 2442MHz).  I suspect that my custom software, which was
>>>> developed for first B210 and then X310 with several daughterboard variants,
>>>> may be sending tune commands in a way that is not ideal for an external LO
>>>> configuration.  There was a similar issue when I first started using TwinRx
>>>> with "companion" or "external" LO and UHD would issue warnings about tuning
>>>> one channel first and then the other when both channels had to be at the
>>>> same freq because they shared an LO.  So, my request for examples was to
>>>> help me see if I am issuing the tuning requests correctly for this external
>>>> LO config.
>>>> Rob
>>>> Understood.
>>>> Hopefully, one of the R&D folks will chime in here.  I don't currently
>>>> have one in my inventory, so running a bit blind.
>>>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 7:32 PM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <
>>>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 04/06/2018 05:14 PM, Rob Kossler via USRP-users wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Are there any examples for using the N310 with external LO?  I have
>>>>>> gotten some strange results (strange spectral mirror-ing) when using as
>>>>>> just a 4 channel receiver.  I am using the "args" argument to set
>>>>>> rx_lo_source, but my code is setting the individual channel frequencies 
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> I do for other USRPs and I noticed various warnings in the terminal 
>>>>>> window
>>>>>> for each channel that I tune.
>>>>>> On a separate note, I get some strange results if I set the
>>>>>> clock_source to external in the args (using with OctoClock). If I leave 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> internal, no problem. For now, I am leaving it internal until I can solve
>>>>>> the problem above with LO source.
>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>> Rob, just shooting from the hip here, since I haven't "lived" with an
>>>>> N310 yet...
>>>>> Have you tried adjusting the LO levels let's say 2dB in either
>>>>> direction to see if that changes the imaging behavior?  Also, remember 
>>>>> that
>>>>> the external LO input
>>>>>   on the N310 must be a 2XLO -- at twice the desired Fc, and only up
>>>>> to 8GHz (giving a 4GHz antenna frequency).
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