Hi Marcus,

Thank you for your prompt response.

I can change the TX power, kindly find attached the received  "I"  channel
in case of TX power -25 dbm and -45 dbm. Also, there is about 10 dB
attenuation before the Ettus RX. As you can see, there are many samples
that goes to +/- 2048 and I believe that means ADC is overloaded. It is
mentioned in the reference manual of Ad9364:
"When the ADC is overloaded, the error between its samples and the input
signal will cause the ADC to output more samples with values of +4 or −4 as
it struggles to track the input signal.", is there anything else I can try?
Note: Disabling AGC and changing gains gives reasonable outputs (i.e.,
amplitude of samples change with changing the applied gain without samples
going to +/- 2048). But I need to use AGC because I want to have "over the
air" testing instead of cable testing.

Also, I tried to use --args type=b200 but it did not help. Is it possible
after loading and executing the script top_block_py (i.e., while USB port
is used to stream I/Q) to send commands for the board to get sample rate,
carrier freq., gains,....?

Thanks again,

Best Regards,

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:29 PM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> On 03/28/2018 11:32 AM, Ahmed Hamza via USRP-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Ettus B200 mini, to receive signal at carrier frequency 725 MHz
> and the bandwidth is 6 MHz. The sampling rate is set to 13.28 MHz.
> I enabled AGC by calling set_rx_agc() from set_gain inside
> /usrp_source_impl.cc.
> The thing is that I am receiving a signal with a maximum that reach +/-
> 2048 frequently so I believe that the ADC is overloaded. The test is using
> cable so it is supposed that there is no out of band interference.
> My questions are:
> 1) Do you know what may be causing this behavior and what should I try?
> 2) Where can I find the default values that Ettus B200 mini used for Ad9364
> registers?
> 3) Is there a way to read and/or write values of Ad9364 registers?
> 4) There are some get functions provided by Ettus, could this get
> functions used in run time (I mean after loading the script)? For example, if
> I do, uhd_usrp_probe --string /mboards/0/dboards/A/rx_
> frontends/A/gain/agc/mode/value after loading the script
> I get: linux; GNU C++ version 5.3.1 20151219; Boost_105800;
> UHD_003.009.002-0-unknown
> Error: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for ----->
> Empty Device Address
> Thanks,
> Best Regards,
> Ahmed
> Reduce the power of the device that is sending the signal--use attenuators
> if you have to.
> uhd_usrp_probe needs a device address:     use --args type=b200
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