I think the incompatibility issues folks have are due to trying to use gr-uhd (a component in GNU Radio) that was built against a certain version of UHD with a different version of UHD.

If you're building from source, you should be able to use pretty much any recent version of UHD with any recent version of GNU Radio.

I would suggest using a release tag for UHD instead of the maint branch. For example:

git checkout release_003_009_007


git checkout release_003_010_003_000

Ron W6RZ

On 02/01/2018 10:23 AM, Tom McDermott via USRP-users wrote:
Thanks for the announcement of the new UHD 3.10.3 release.

I've noticed on the gnuradio mailing list some comments about possible incompatibility of certain UHD versions and Gnuradio versions (assuming I'm reading things correctly).

Is there a table that lists compatibility of the various UHD branches and tags against gnuradio branches and tags?  Or a table of recommended versions between
the two release streams?

I am running gnuradio maint    and UHD maint 122bfae  (which is quite
a few behind).

-- Tom, N5EG

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