I was able to get it up and running by following this guide:


BUT: using the gr-ettus commit of 30302780a44f3f0b146e9b81f88e70c9d983f559
and the uhd commit of 12a34d6ef6b9666e29a23039291138f989c7c2ce

-Paul Sorensen

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 5:27 PM Ronakraj Gosalia via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> This is my very first message, so apologies if I didnt send this correctly
> 😊.
> I am also facing the same issue outlined by Paul and would really
> appreciate some assistance with this. I am using an Ettus USRP E312, GNU
> Radio <+6137102> and Ubuntu 16.04.3. <+6116043> Here is what I
> tried.
> I first started by following the PyBOMBS process in [1] to setup the
> cross-compile environment on my host machine (laptop). After using sshfs on
> my sdr (USRP E312) I was unable to use the set_env file in the ~/usr
> directory, but instead had to source the set_env file in ~/usr/usr. After
> this, uhd_find_devices was routed properly, but uhd_usrp_probe gave me the
> following error:
> Error: RuntimeError: Expected FPGA compatibility number 255.x, but got
> 14.0:
> The FPGA build is not compatible with the host code build.
> Now I think this error is due to the fact that the script was trying to
> run the default fpga image stored
> in/usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_e310_fpga_sg3.bit which was developed for an
> older (or different?) version of UHD. From the uhd_usrp_probe output it
> says that my current version is UHD_4.0.0.rfnoc-devel-409-gec9138eb so I
> tried to download the FPGA images for this version and store them inside
> ~/usr/usr/share/uhd/images/ and running "uhd_usrp_probe
> --args='fpga=/home/root/usr/usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_e3xx_fpga_idle_sg3.bit'"
>  this
> loaded up and gave me the exact same output error as what Paul got. I also
> cannot run any uhd examples and get the same runtime error.
> Following this, I tried [2], and the fosphor example at the end ran really
> well. However, again I was unable to run any of the uhd examples after
> this. I also found issues trying to run a simple BPSK transmitter that I
> made with the B205. I was unable to use the USRP sink/sources in my GNU
> Radio flowchart as it gave me the following error when running the python
> script:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "simple_tx_e312.py", line 229, in <module>
> main()
> File "simple_tx_e312.py", line 218, in main
> tb = top_block_cls()
> File "simple_tx_e312.py", line 68, in __init__
> channels=range(1),
> File
> "/home/root/usr/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gnuradio/uhd/__init__.py",
> line 122, in constructor_interceptor
> return old_constructor(*args)
> File
> "/home/root/usr/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gnuradio/uhd/uhd_swig.py",
> line 2082, in make
> return _uhd_swig.usrp_sink_make(*args)
> RuntimeError: RuntimeError: On node 0/FIFO_0, output port 0 is already
> connected
> I was able to run code by replacing the USRP Sink with an RFNoC Radio TX
> block, however the FPGA image is missing the DMAFifo and DUC RFNoC blocks
> so I directly connected my flowchart to a FIFO buffer -> RFNoC:Radio
> TXblock. This produced a signal with a desired frequency response, but I
> was unable to decode the signal when I ran it over the air and via a
> coaxial cable. I tried many different configurations (over the air and via
> coaxial cable) including an E312 TX -> E312 (another one) RX, E312 TX ->
> B205 RX. I also tried B205 TX -> E312 RX and this worked perfectly. B205 TX
> -> B205 RX with the same code also works well. This is why I think the
> issue is due to the RFNoC Radio TX block. I am also unable to use the
> Channel B TX/RX antennas or the GPSDO timing source as the images provided
> in "uhd-images_4.0.0.rfnoc-devel-238-g39a41476 <+6141476>" and
> "uhd-images_4.0.0.rfnoc-devel-409-gec9138eb" do not support these options
> (I can send more specifics about this if it helps, otherwise I will create
> a new thread in the near future).
> Lastly, I have been following [3]. At the top of this document it does
> state "
> *However*, this document only covers using RFNoC for the USRP X300/X310.
> Using RFNoC with the E310/E312 will be covered in another document.
> " which is why I did not initially follow the instructions on this
> document. Having read that now I found that there are several references to
> the E310 throughout the document, which was very confusing. The document
> states that the non-RFNOC fpga images should have DMAFifo and DUC blocks,
> however whenever I tried loading these images via "uhd_usrp_probe
> --args='fpga=...'" it always gave me same output as that in Paul's message
> with always the following blocks included:
> |*   |    /
> *|*   |   |       RFNoC blocks on this device:
> *|*   |   |
> *|*   |   |   * Radio_0
> *|*   |   |   * FIFO_0
> *|*   |   |   * Window_0
> *|*   |   |   * FFT_0
> *|*   |   |   * fosphor_0
> *|*   |   |   * FIFO_1
> *|*   |   |   * FIR_0*
> My next strategy is to create a custom FPGA image and try this by
> following the instructions in [3]. Is this the only way to install the
> DMAFifo, DUC RFNoC blocks to transmit on my E312? I may have made a
> mistake in my understanding/diagnosis somewhere and would appreciate any
> help that you may be able to give me. Thank you for your time in advance.
> Ronakraj
> References:
> [1] https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E310_and_E312
> [2] <https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E310_and_E312>
> https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E3xx_USRP_-_Building_RFNoC_UHD_/_GNU_Radio_/_gr-ettus_from_Source
> [3]
> <https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E3xx_USRP_-_Building_RFNoC_UHD_/_GNU_Radio_/_gr-ettus_from_Source>
> https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_Development
> Getting Started with RFNoC Development - Ettus Knowledge Base
> <https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_Development>
> kb.ettus.com
> Abstract. This application note guides a user through basic information on
> the RFNoC architecture, installing necessary software to develop custom
> RFNoC blocks, also ...
> Software Development on the E3xx USRP - Ettus
> <https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E3xx_USRP_-_Building_RFNoC_UHD_/_GNU_Radio_/_gr-ettus_from_Source>
> kb.ettus.com
> Abstract. This application note is one of a multi-part series which will
> cover the software development process on the USRP E310, E312 and E313.
> Software Development on the E310 and E312 - Ettus ...
> <https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E310_and_E312>
> kb.ettus.com
> Abstract. This application note covers the software development process on
> the USRP E310 and E312. Overview. Note: Linux only. When developing
> software for the ...
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